About the site and Me

This site is just a smattering of links and articles of interest pertaining to the End Times and Christianity with maybe a blog from me on certain topics as well. I am by no means a scholar and I have no desire to debate, fight or argue about these issues I bring here for sharing. I am merely offering you a segue into these things and directing you to links of people who have studied and proven to be sound in these areas over the years. Hence the name of my site: But That’s Just Me, I encourage you to peruse the links and do your own studies and homework as I do. If it is not a salvation issue then there should be no infighting but rather further study in peace and love towards each other. Brief examples of what I mean by that would be: a) When the rapture happens and whether you believe in it or not will not affect your salvation…b) What version of the Bible you use will not affect your salvation at all. You really should be using more than one version anyway and include other study sources as well such as Strongs Concordance and any or other online or offline study guides…c) Et cetera…et cetera…et cetera 😉

Now a wee bit about me. I have been a follower of Jesus for about 30 some odd years (wow, I am getting old..ugh..I just now counted that out). I was saved at the tender age of 10yrs old. It was not an Earth stopping moment and all things did not magically shine crystal clear in a huge epiphany. My mother told me about Jesus and asked me what I thought and if I wanted to be saved, I said yes, we prayed together and I went outside to roller skate. Something did change however, because after I put on my skates and started down the sidewalk I started talking to God right then and there. I don’t ever remember talking to him before that moment and the first conversation was short and to the point. I said: “Well God, I’m saved now but I don’t feel any different.” Looking back I believe he most probably got a chuckle out of that. Since then, I have talked to him daily and have from that point forward, with the exception of a few time frames where I ignored him because partying and hanging out with my friends took precedence or, so I thought at the time. He promises that he never leaves or forsakes those who are his and I can tell you looking back in my life he has kept that promise and kept me out of some serious trouble and kept me on a straight path. He has allowed me to stick my nose into things that I had no business being involved in but only so far until I learned my lesson and he yanked my butt right back into place and out of harms way. I got a few scratches and scars and heartaches but, I was lifted out of the muck before it swallowed me whole. I was blessed with good parents and family life however, I can tell you that if you never had a good parent you could depend on and, have been or just felt alone all your life, Jesus can and will fill that spot brilliantly. I tell you the truth. Test me and ask Jesus to come into your life and see for yourself.

Once you accept salvation in Jesus, open yourself up to him and start having dialogue (praying), and studying his word, then he starts talking to you. He first shows you things through your Bible reading and talking to you in a still small voice via your conscious and you start learning lessons. He moves you onward into deeper studies and gives you the desire to know him, his ways, the whys and hows things all came into being and the reasons behind them in more depth. Make sure to pray and ask for his guidance through his Holy Spirit each time you do your reading and studying so that you will not be led astray. Ask him for the real truth and to unveil anything that is off the straight path and make sure you look for his answers and responses. He sometimes uses others to do this for him as well. With that said here is my site of links and postings. One more thing, don’t just take my or their word for things but rather, be a good Berean (Acts 17:10-11) and search out these matters for yourself with the Holy Spirit as your guide and remember this:

Proverbs 25:2 ~

It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter.

And one of my all time favorites:

Jeremiah 33:3 ~

Call to me and I will answer you, and will tell you great and hidden things that you have not known.

May the Lord bless you and draw you to himself so that you will know salvation and have eternal life with him.

How do you know God is Real (2)

For the Atheist or Agnostic…
The God of Prophecy

By: Dave Hunt
Jul 1 1992

What does one say to a professed atheist when he demands proof that God exists? One could, of course, challenge him to prove that God doesn’t exist—and to prove the preposterous scenario that the universe and even the human brain just happened by chance. In fact, since God is infinite, finite beings could never arrive at an indisputable proof either for or against His existence. Furthermore, “proofs” are really beside the point.

It is impossible to “prove” philosophically one’s own existence—but who doubts it? Then why is a philosophical “proof” of God’s existence demanded? Who needs “proof” that one’s husband or wife or parent or child exists? If God really is, then He should be able to make Himself known. And if He can’t do that, then whether He exists or not would be irrelevant to practical concerns.

Of course, the problem may not be that God isn’t making Himself known, but that mankind fails to recognize Him when He does so. Even the natural world suggests such a probability. For example, although the entire universe is composed of energy, mankind was for thousands of years unaware of its existence—not because energy didn’t manifest itself and its power, but in spite of that fact.

Could it not be the same way with the God who created energy? Surely He would be far more mysterious than anything He made—and thus even more difficult to comprehend. God is not an impersonal force like energy. He must be a personal Being with emotion, intellect and will, or He could not have created us.

The intricately organized universe God made adequately reveals His infinite intelligence and power. But it is something else for God to manifest His love and His will for mankind. To do so, He would have to make Himself known personally in such a way that a finite man would realize beyond a shadow of doubt that the infinite God was revealing Himself. How could He do so?

Suppose God thundered from the sky with an audible voice. How could one be certain that it was God who had spoken? Suppose He made some supernatural display of power. How could it be known that God had done it and that it was not a natural phenomenon? If He came as a man, who would believe that He was God? Yet how could He reveal Himself to mankind without becoming one of us? Suppose God manifested Himself in some transcendent form. How could anyone know that it was God and not some highly evolved extraterrestrial visiting earth? How, indeed! Miracles would not suffice, for skeptics could argue that highly advanced technology seems miraculous to those who don’t know how it works.

Of course, each religion claims to offer the revelations of the true god or gods. Yet even in their basic concepts of deity there are sharp contradictions, which can’t all be right. Hinduism, for example, embraces multitudes of gods and worships idols that supposedly represent them, since everything is god. By contrast, Islam denounces idol worship and pantheism/polytheism and it claims that its Allah is the only true god. Buddhism, on the other hand, needs no god.

Allah was, in fact, the name of the chief god in the Kaabah , the pagan temple that Muhammad “purged” by destroying the more than 300 idols it contained. Muhammad likely kept the name of this ancient, pagan moon god because it would help to convert idolaters to his new religion if they could be offered something familiar. Yet today’s Muslims see no contradiction in this strategy.

The God of the Bible states unequivocally, “Before me there was no God formed, neither shall there be after me. I, even I, am the Lord; and beside me there is no saviour” (Isa:43:10-11). Nor does He simply ignore the gods of other religions. He denounces them all, including Allah, as imposters who actually represent Satan or his demons: “they sacrificed unto devils, not to God” (Deut 32:17); “the things which the Gentiles [non-Jews] sacrifice [to their gods], they sacrifice to devils” (1 Cor:10:20).

It is not kindness, but cynicism and a denial of the meaning of language, to suggest that all religions are the same. It is an affront to Muslims to suggest that Allah is the equivalent of the many gods in Hinduism; or to tell a Christian that his God, who gave His Son to die for our sins, is the same as Allah, of whom it is specifically stated that he has no son. In fact, Christianity stands on one side of a theological chasm, with all other religions on the other side—a chasm that renders any ecumenical union impossible without destroying Christianity itself.

One cannot deny, for example, the irreconcilable conflict between the belief that Christ died for our sins and was resurrected (which is the very heart of Christianity), and the Muslim claim that someone else died in Christ’s place. To sweep such differences under an ecumenical rug (as Roman Catholicism is attempting to do) is not kindness but madness. Nor is it possible to reconcile the claim of all non-Christian religions that sin is countered by good works with the Bible’s declaration that works can’t save, but that only Christ, because He was sinless, could pay the penalty for sin by dying in our place. And of course Christ’s claim, “I am the way, the truth and the life: no man cometh unto the Father except by me” (John:14:6), is the strongest possible rejection of all other religions as counterfeits.

Jesus Christ stands absolutely alone, without rival, in His perfect, sinless life, His death for our sins, His resurrection. The promise of His second coming is also unique to Christianity and separates it from all of the world’s religions by a chasm that cannot be bridged by any ecumenical sleight-of-hand. Muhammad never promised to return, nor did Buddha. Only Christ dared to make this promise. Nor would such a claim by anyone except Christ be given any credence, for the decayed remains of all of the others occupy graves. It is Christ alone who left behind an empty tomb. That undeniable fact is reason enough to accept His claim to Deity and to take seriously His assertion that He would return to this earth in power and glory to execute judgment upon His enemies.

That the Bible, which provides the historical account of the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, is unique for this and many other reasons becomes obvious from even a superficial comparison with all other sacred scriptures. The Hindu scriptures, for example, are obviously mythological. There is no historical evidence that the characters ever existed or that the fantastic tales refer to real events that actually occurred.

The same is true of much that is recorded in other sacred writings, including the Book of Mormon. Not one pin or coin or tiniest shred of evidence of any kind has ever been found to verify that the peoples, much less the events, to which the Book of Mormon refers were real. Not a mountain, river or any piece of topography or geography described in the Book of Mormon has ever been located. In contrast, the world’s museums contain vast stores of evidence of all kinds confirming the accuracy of the Bible.

The Bible does not waste its time, as philosophers so foolishly have for centuries, in any attempt to provide some philosophical “proof” for the existence of God. The God to which the Bible bears testimony is capable of communicating with mankind and promises to reveal Himself to all who sincerely desire and seek to know Him. “Ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart” (Jer:29:13), says the Old Testament; and the New echoes the same promise: “He [God] is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him” (Heb:11:6).

In communicating Himself and His will, God provides both subjective and objective evidence. The Bible is full of accounts of God having given tangible “signs” to those who wanted to know Him and His will. To “put out a fleece” is a common expression that is understood worldwide. It comes from Gideon’s use of a sheep’s fleece as a sign: asking God for dew on the fleece and not on the ground one morning, then dew on the ground but not on the fleece the next (Judg 6:36-40).

God has, in fact, given a “sign” to the entire world for all generations. That sign is the land and people of Israel. God refers to “Israel my glory” (Isa:46:13) and says of her, “in whom I will be glorified” (Isa:49:3). How would this come about? By God’s specific dealings with Israel before a watching world, after having prophesied precisely what would happen (2 Chr:7:20). Referring to the rescue of Israel at Armageddon, the subject of many Old Testament prophecies, Ezekiel:38:23 declares, “Thus will I magnify myself, and sanctify myself; and I will be known in the eyes of many nations, and they shall know that I am the Lord.”

The Bible declares that the prophecies it provides concerning Israel supply the irrefutable evidence for God’s existence—and for the fact that He has a purpose for mankind. History is not merely happenstance. It is going somewhere. There is a plan. Biblical prophecies declare it irrefutably.

Prophecy, which reveals God’s plan in advance, is the missing element in all sacred scriptures of the world’s religions, because false gods cannot provide it. Prophecy is not to be found in the Koran, the Hindu Vedas, the Bhagavad-Gita, the Book of Mormon, the sayings of Buddha, the writings of Mary Baker Eddy. In contrast, prophecy comprises about 30 percent of the Bible.

Significantly, the God of the Bible identifies Himself as the One who accurately foretells the future and makes certain that it happens as He said it would. In fact, God points to prophecy as the irrefutable evidence of His existence and the authenticity of His Word: “For I am God, and there is none else. …Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, my counsel shall stand…” (Isa:46:9-10).

There are two major topics of prophecy, both of which must be studied if one is to have any understanding of the Bible: 1) Israel; and 2) the Messiah, who would come to Israel and through her to the world. These two major topics involve specific fulfillments of prophecy that cannot be denied and which prove God’s existence.

Exactly as His prophets foretold, because of their sin God scattered His people, Israel, throughout the entire world (Lev:26:33; Deut 4:27; Deut32:26; 1 Kgs 14:15; Neh:1:8; Jer:9:16; Jer:49:32, etc.). Yet, amazingly, they remained an identifiable ethnic and national entity. That is miraculous. Moreover, for 2,500 years since the Babylonian captivity, and for 1,900 years since the Diaspora at the destruction of Jerusalem in a.d.70, in fulfillment of other prophecies, the scattered Jews have been hated and persecuted as Satan has sought to destroy them. Yet they survived—another miracle.

Furthermore, and just as the Bible declared (Jer:30:3,10-11; 31:8-10; Eze:11:17; 28:25, etc., etc.), the descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob have been brought back to their own land after all these centuries. Such an incredible event has never happened to any other people and certainly has no natural explanation. The Bible prophecies are so specific and numerous that no one can deny Israel’s rebirth as a miracle of God. But that is not all!

The prophets also declared that in the last days Jerusalem would have a special importance for all nations. Not only would this occur during the Millennium when Christ was reigning there on David’s throne, but just prior to His return. Zechariah 12:2-3 declares, “Behold, I will make Jerusalem a cup of trembling unto all the people round about….I [will] make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people….” God was saying that the eyes of the entire world would be upon Jerusalem for fear of what would occur there.

At the time of this prophecy, about 2,500 years ago, Jerusalem was in ruins and surrounded by desolate desert and swamp. Nothing could have been more ludicrous than to suggest that one day the concerned attention of a modern world of more than 5 billion people would be focused upon this unlikely place. Yet that has been fulfilled precisely as foretold!

Whether atheist or believer, Hindu, Muslim or Jew, all mankind knows that the next world war, when it occurs, will break out over Jerusalem! Israel comprises only one-sixth of 1 percent of the land occupied by the Arabs. Why the great concern today over this tiny piece of arid real estate that lay abandoned for centuries? Yes, Jerusalem is sacred to Catholics, Muslims and Jews. But that doesn’t explain why the whole world is concerned with establishing peace in the Middle East. Moreover, neither Catholics nor Muslims existed when these prophecies were made.

The Bible’s prophecies concerning the Jews, Jerusalem and Israel are specific, preposterous, and impossible—yet fulfilled. There is no other explanation than that God is the author of the Bible, the Jews are His chosen people, and Israel is their land—and Jesus is the Christ.

In view of this great “sign” that God has given to the world, can anyone honestly be an atheist? Or can anyone deny that Jesus Christ is the only Savior? His advent was prophesied, as well, by the same prophets and is intimately connected to Israel. All that the prophets foretold concerning the coming Messiah was fulfilled in Jesus of Nazareth—and the early church used that fact in proclaiming the gospel (Acts:2:22-36). So should we.

Study the biblical prophecies concerning Israel and her Messiah. I give many of them in Whatever Happened to Heaven? and Global Peace and the Rise of Antichrist . We need to get back to prophecy and use it in persuading others to turn to Christ as Paul did (Acts:17:2-3; Rom:1:1-5). Yet prophecy is the most neglected biblical topic in the church today. Not so for Bereans!

Applying the Science of Probability to the Scriptures
Do statistics prove the Bible’s supernatural origin?
by Dr. David R. Reagan

For years I have been quoting a book by Peter Stoner called Science Speaks. I like to use a remarkable illustration from it to show how Bible prophecy proves that Jesus was truly God in the flesh.

I decided that I would try to find a copy of the book so that I could discover all that it had to say about Bible prophecy. The book was first published in 1958 by Moody Press. After considerable searching on the Internet, I was finally able to find a revised edition published in 1976.

Peter Stoner was chairman of the mathematics and astronomy departments at Pasadena City College until 1953 when he moved to Westmont College in Santa Barbara, California. There he served as chairman of the science division. At the time he wrote this book, he was professor emeritus of science at Westmont.

In the edition I purchased, there was a foreword by Dr. Harold Hartzler, an officer of the American Scientific Affiliation. He wrote that the manuscript had been carefully reviewed by a committee of his organization and that “the mathematical analysis included is based upon principles of probability which are thoroughly sound.” He further stated that in the opinion of the Affiliation, Professor Stoner “has applied these principles in a proper and convincing way.”

The book is divided into three sections. Two relate directly to Bible prophecy. The first section deals with the scientific validity of the Genesis account of creation.

Part One: The Genesis Record

Stoner begins with a very interesting observation…..CONTINUE at highlighted title link above ^^^

12 Historical Facts (Most Critical Scholars Believe These 12 items)

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