A Bit More on The Eclipse – Signs in the Heavens and CERN

*** UPDATE ADDED SHORT 11 MIN VIDEO & 16 MIN VIDEO (added on 4/2/24)…SCROLL BELOW *** Just wanted to add a few more tid bits about what else is going on during the April 8th 2nd Great American eclipse. Below I include an article by Terry James and a couple...

The Return of the gods! Part 1: Who is Tammuz? This ancient mystery will blow your mind!

  At first I was thinking oh I know about this but I’ll listen as a refresher since I bought the book. Then, Todd​ took it to the next level in his studies about it all! Well worth the time if you dig into these matters. Notice this is a Part 1 so be on the...


I’m sharing this new video by Ricardo Garcia. I just really think that Ricardo makes a lot of sense here. Not only do I think his calendar makes sense, I also agree with his thoughts about the New World Order etc. This July wheat harvest time also matches the...

Pentecost in July?? Reason to continue the watch from June until July now!

I know most people know the phrase “Marcia, Marcia, Marcia” well, I’m starting this post off with “Calendars, Calendars, Calendars!”. I am the first to tell you that all the calendar issues just throw me through a loop! It gets so...

2022: The Year in Review

  Here we go into 2022. I’m still hopeful for the rapture any day now and especially up until May/June of 2022 (prayerfully sooner) per Fig Tree Generation. KEEP WATCH!!! 2022 is also the Chinese New Year of the Tiger which makes me think of the I, Pet Goat...

11/11, 11:11, Portals and Rapture? Hmmm, that’s interesting!

I am sharing another article by my brother in Christ, Bill Allen. Very timely. I found it interesting and worth sharing with you. Please, keep in mind that he is just thinking out loud and trying to put pieces together about timing based off of the Fig Tree generation...

Recent Soft Disclosure…Strong Delusion…Do Not be Deceived!

UPDATED POINT OF INTEREST: So I used a Macbeth quote by Shakespeare for my “alien” disclosure blog post I did today on December 8th about delusion and DNA changing the fallen angels are always involved in and I just saw that the 2nd person in history to...

See You In September…

** Note: click on feature pic above to hear the tune ** *** UPDATES on 8/31/23 ARE ADDED BELOW *** This is a newer updated version of the post I made back in 2015 when September was front and center as a watch time. Much speculation is surrounding September for some...
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