Apr 23, 2022 | But That's Just Me, CERN, End Times, Fallen Angel, God and Angels, Mandela Effect, Quantum, The Occult, Tribulation, UFOlogy
Super short post to update those who may not be aware that CERN is about to crank up again. The timing of this is so interesting as we know the rapture is so close and perhaps this year even. We shall see. I want to share my search link of all my CERN blog posts for...
Aug 1, 2018 | But That's Just Me, CERN, End Times, Fallen Angel, Mandela Effect, Quantum
You may write all this off as superstition and ridiculousness but, you would be wrong and Bible prophecy reveals as much. Mankind will remain in their ignorance of this and allow it to continue. They will do that and the other side of mankind will embrace the fallen...
Aug 15, 2016 | But That's Just Me, CERN, End Times, Fallen Angel, God and Angels, Mandela Effect
While I have been away getting sun burn with family for a week (in other words, on vacation) I missed these CERN related videos and interview (two with Anthony Patch interviewed by Gonz & Basil at Canary Cry/Face Like The Sun) Sooooo, you may have already seen and...
Jul 15, 2016 | But That's Just Me, End Times, Mandela Effect
Is the Earth Flat? A debate that has resurfaced in a big way in recent years regards whether or not the earth is flat. While proponents of a flat earth come from a variety of religious backgrounds, many have used the Bible in an attempt to defend their...
Jul 11, 2016 | "Conspiracy", CERN, End Times, Mandela Effect
Let’s start this post out by saying this is only something to be aware of. I believe there is solid merit to this but, whether there is or not, deception is part of the last days and this certainly falls into that category. It does whether you think it is...