A Bit More on The Eclipse – Signs in the Heavens and CERN

*** UPDATE ADDED SHORT 11 MIN VIDEO & 16 MIN VIDEO (added on 4/2/24)…SCROLL BELOW *** Just wanted to add a few more tid bits about what else is going on during the April 8th 2nd Great American eclipse. Below I include an article by Terry James and a couple...

The Return of the gods! Part 1: Who is Tammuz? This ancient mystery will blow your mind!

  At first I was thinking oh I know about this but I’ll listen as a refresher since I bought the book. Then, Todd​ took it to the next level in his studies about it all! Well worth the time if you dig into these matters. Notice this is a Part 1 so be on the...

The Oracle in the Ocean?!? Hole in the ocean that may lead to MEGAquake has a weirdly prophetic name

I’m still out here and still watching. Most especially during these Spring/Summer months. I still feel as if there is nothing more that can be shared other than the basics that I have on this blog. I have links to people you can keep up with as well. There is...

The Whore of Babylon Visits Mt. Sinai [RHC Bakersfield Prophecy Update] a Must See!

I was going to just add Rock Harbor’s prophecy update as an updated added link in my last blog post about this (in relevant links section below) but, I was afraid it might get over looked or missed all together. It’s a must listen to video so I made it its...

The Dragon & The Lie – Pete Garcia and Generation2434

You should listen to at least some of this video if not all….Most all of the topics shared in their discussion has been shared at my blog since 2015. Just type in whatever you are curious about in the search bar and the articles with links will pop up. Quantum,...

“We will become gods” ~ Yuval Noah Harari … “You will not surely die. For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God” ~ Satan (Gen.3:4-5)

Yuval Noah Harari, lead advisor to Klaus Schwab….Strongly deceived and carries the spirit of ANTI-Christ around with him. Lover of self and thinking that he can alter God’s creation of mankind by merging humans with AI to make God’s image bearers...

2023 END-TIMES PROPHECY (70th Week of Daniel Revealed)…Pluto and More…

I am sharing some intriguing videos below. C.J. Lovik has a new one out and I share a couple of dream ones as well. I have to ask, if the Tribulation does begin one of these coming years in the fall, then how much closer is the rapture??? I’d say pretty darn...

Will The Antichrist Be A Nephilim?

Just wanting to share a quickie 26 minute video by Ryan Pitterson. I haven’t read his 2nd book, The Final Nephilim, as of yet but I did enjoy the first one, Judgment Of The Nephilim, very much. He does weekly videos at both of his YouTube channels that I think...

You Should Watch These videos…Excellent and Timely!

  The End of The Church Age: The Great Reset   Jesus MUST Be Coming Soon!   Glimpses into the Tribulation – an Extended Grace Period – and Our Command to Watch!     But do not overlook this one fact, beloved, that with the Lord one day is as a...

People Have No Idea What is About To Come To This Earth!

First a disclaimer, take note of the words used in this post such as; maybe, could be, I was thinking, it is possible, speculation, etc…All we can do is try to put the pieces together the best we can with the help of the Holy Spirit to guide us. Use your own...

One Second After the Rapture

Excellent video “One Second After the Rapture,” by Dr. Andy Woods. About 30mins in it he talks of what is going to happen to those who are not saved and left behind after the rapture. If you are not saved, you better watch at least the last half hour! Relevant blog...
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