Are We There Yet?

Dec 28, 2015 | End Times, Prophecy, Rapture, Salvation

Are we there yet

Pastor J.D. Farag of Aloha Bible Prophecy does a prophetic year in review so as to provide two observations concerning the New Year and what may be coming in 2016. My friend Sharon M. did a brief summary of his ending remarks of the video…A MUST watch…

THE ENDING REMARKS FROM PASTOR J.D. FARAG from the December 27 Mid-East Prophecy Update:

Pastor J.D. ends his update with the following two observations (not predictions), but OBSERVATIONS:

1. SYRIA (Isaiah 17) He believes that we are ON THE CUSP of this specific prophecy being fulfilled. The destruction of Damascus as Isaiah prophesies.

2. He then quoted from a TIME article entitled “The Absence of Global Leadership Will Shape a Tumultuous 2016.” Quote: “Only a global emergency on a scale we’ve yet to see can accomplish the bringing together of the entire world [‘WOW’]. It might be a war, a financial crisis, a public health threat, catastrophic terrorism, an environmental disaster, but A CRISIS that forces a new level of global cooperation based on the world’s true balance of power. When it finally comes, it will be THE BIGGEST STORY of our time.”

Pastor then cited the book of Revelation: One World Government, One World Religion. One World Economy — under the heel of the Antichrist.

WHAT COULD POSSIBLY BE THE BIG EVENT THAT BRINGS THIS ABOUT? THE RAPTURE! THEN THE REVEALING OF THE ANTICHRIST! We’re on the cusp! How close are we? [Only a twinkling of the eye away–Sharon’s answer.]

Look at 1 Chronicles 12:32 The people of Issachar see what is coming and are prepared for it.

Look at Romans 13:11-12 The time in which we NOW live is so much closer to the return of Jesus than when we first believed.

[Sharon adds] KEEP WATCHING! THE RAPTURE IS MORE IMMINENT NOW THAN EVER. Pray always for wisdom. Pray for our families and friends. Pray that many turn to Jesus in faith NOW — BEFORE it is too late.

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