Numbers That Are Getting My Attention

Jun 5, 2017 | End Times, Israel, Jubilee, Prophecy, Signs in the Sun Moon and Stars

Excellent articles to consider by Daymond Duck below!

Last week, my article was titled, “Words That Are Getting My Attention.” This week, I thought that I would write about numbers that are getting my attention.

I have never had a desire to study the significance of Bible numbers, but I have long believed that everything in the Bible is significant.

I have always been leery of going too far in the study of numbers, but I have recently seen some amazing things that other prophecy teachers (Bob Mitchell, Dan Goodwin, etc.) have pointed out.

I don’t agree with everything they say, but I will try to take some of the amazing things these prophecy teachers say that seems right to me and pass it on in my own words.

Notice these six (the number of man) historical facts:

1897–A Zionist conference was held to find a homeland for the Jews.
1917–War: England capture Palestine (Israel, Jerusalem and more).
1947–A UN conference was held to find a homeland for the Jews.
1967–War: Israel captured West Bank (including East Jerusalem).
1997–An Arab conference was held to take the homeland of the Jews.
2017–War: threats from Iran, Hezbollah, ISIS, some Arabs, etc.

Notice that these six historical facts run 20 + 30 + 20 + 30 + 20:

1897 + 20 = 1917
1917 + 30 = 1947
1947 + 20 = 1967
1967 + 30 = 1997
1997 + 20 = 2017

Notice that the conferences run in 50-year cycles:

1897–1st conference; find a homeland for the Jews.
1947–2nd conference; establish a homeland for the Jews (1897 + 50 = 1947).
1997–3rd conference; take the homeland from the Jews (1947 + 50 = 1997).

Notice that these 50-year cycles were held by three different groups.

1897–The 1st conference was a Jewish conference.
1947–The 2nd conference was a Gentile (UN) conference (1897 + 50 = 1947).
1997–The 3rd conference was an Arab conference (1947 + 50 = 1997).

Notice that three of these 50-year cycles are about war.

1917–War: England captured Palestine (Israel, Jerusalem and more).
1967–War: Israel captured West Bank (East Jerusalem and more).
2017–War: Remains to be seen, but very possible.

Notice that three of these 50-year cycles involve Jerusalem (the end of the age cup of trembling and burdensome stone for the whole world; Joel 3:2).

1917–War: Gentiles took Jerusalem.
1967–War: Jews took Jerusalem.
2017–War: Remains to be seen, but Arabs and or Muslims (the Iranians are not Arabs) may try to take Jerusalem.

But let’s go a little deeper and I honestly don’t know what to make of this.

We are looking at six events between 1897 and 2017, a period of 120 years. In the days of Noah (a sign of the Second Coming) God said, “My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years” (Gen. 6:3).

Based on God’s six days of creation and one day of rest (a total of seven days) plus the Scriptures that teach that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years (Psalm 90:4; II Pet. 3:8; Heb. 4:4) some church fathers (Barnabas, Irenaeus, Justin Martyr and Lactantius), scholars (Dr. J. R. Church) and prophecy writers (Dr. Noah Hutchings and others), have taught that mankind will go through six God days of 1,000 years each (a total of 6,000 years) plus a Millennium of 1,000 years rest (now a total of 7,000 years).

6,000 years is 120 of 50-years each or 6,000 years (120 X 50 = 6,000).

It is common knowledge among most students of the Bible that Jesus told His disciples “There be some standing here, which shall not taste of death, till they see the Son of man coming in his kingdom” (Matt. 16:28).
Then, six days later, Jesus took Peter (the same Peter that said six days is with the Lord as a thousand years) plus James, and John up on the Mount of Transfiguration and revealed His Second Coming to them (Matt. 17:1-9).

The question is “Why did Jesus wait six days instead of three or five or ten days or whatever?” Why six days?

I recently heard Dan Goodwin say those six days represent 6,000 years. I knew that six days of God’s time are like 6,000 years of Man’s time, but I don’t think I have ever heard that one day of man’s time ((Peter, James and John’s time) can be like 1,000 years to God. It just didn’t seem right to me.

Then, I read what Moses said, “A thousand years in thy sight are but as yesterday” (Psalm 90:4). To God, 1,000 years seems like yesterday or one day.

I went back to II Pet. 3:8: “But, beloved, don’t be ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.”

I went to my King James Bible Commentary and read that “God does not count time in the same way that we do. To Him a thousand years may count as one day” (II Pet. 3:8).

This is the point: God is an eternal being. Time does not exist for Him. There is no difference between 1,000 years and one day to God and no difference between one day and 1,000 years to God.

So, each person should decide for his or her own self if Jesus waiting six days to reveal His Second Coming to Peter, James and John means His Second Coming will be after 6,000 years of human history.

In summary, I don’t know what to think of some of this, but in light of the talk of moving the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem, the talk of a peace treaty this 2017, it being 50 years since 1967, it being 70 years since 1947, the upcoming total eclipse of the sun, the Revelation 12 sign on Rosh Hashanah, etc. These amazing numbers are getting my attention.

Originally published by Daymond Duck at Prophecy Plus Ministries (Via Rapture Ready)

In light of the above revisit my updated posts for more things of interest to watch:

See You In September…

Blood Moons Coming

{The Blood Moons Site for cool charts and more}


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