Let's start this post out by saying this is only something to be aware of. I believe there is solid merit to this but, whether there is or not, deception is part of the last days and this certainly falls into that category. It does whether you think it is happening or...
Search Results
Tacos, Saturn, and Bears Oh My!
There is an occult fascination and worship of Saturn and it actually began ages ago....In a nutshell Saturn represents a certain being that desires to be God and to be worshiped as God. He/it is represented by several symbols a cube being just one of them. As God...
Here we go AGAIN…..
THANK YOU Gary Stearman! Below is a link to an article written by Mr. Stearman describing the difference in the "Falling Away" and the Pre-Trib Rapture...I'm getting so tired of having to clarify and defend the Pre-trib rapture...It is not a salvation issue (believing...
The Four Horses of The Apocalypse Can Be Heard Galloping In The Distance.
*** Bonus video added below *** Today I'm sharing a news letter that I subscribe to with you. In it, Stefan, puts all the news events of late together so that you can see what is developing and why. I know that no more than 5 seconds after I share this more news will...
These Are The Days To Realize That It IS About To Happen! Call On Jesus For Your Salvation!
I'd like to start off this post by saying the phrase I use all the time and on social media. TODAY is the BEST day for your salvation because you are FAST running out of time to call on Jesus to save you BEFORE it begins!! I'm starting off this way because I have been...
Sound Thinking and Speculation…
I'm sharing a great article below by Pete Garcia at REV310. It is sound thinking and speculation as my title suggests. Don't be discouraged by it. Just give it the thought it deserves. Now, Pete is not a fan of this feast day and that feast day watching per se. Or as...
Yes, Yes, and then also Yes Again! I totally agree with him in this.
I realize I have not posted in awhile. I have taken a much needed break. However, I am not sure how much more I could say or post about. The one world global beast system government prophesied about is being set in motion as i type this, the one world religion is in...
More Events That SHOULD Make Us Realize That These ARE The Last Days. If Anyone Has An Ear, Let Him HEAR and Eyes, Let Him See!
I have been taking a much needed break lately but still watching. I have been burned out and weary. I know the rapture is going to happen SOON but, it can be exhausting watching it all being set up before our eyes for the last several years. I started my blog back in...
The Great Narrative and The Metaverse
Daniel 7:23-25 ...there shall be a fourth kingdom on earth, which shall be different from all the kingdoms,and it shall devour the whole earth, and trample it down, and break it to pieces. As for the ten horns, out of this kingdom ten kings shall arise, and...
Wait for his Son from heaven, whom he raised from the dead, Jesus who delivers us from the wrath to come. (1 Thessalonians 1:10)
So, I spent most of the day yesterday watching over this little one. Our yard has a ton of lizards as well as other wildlife including butterflies. We planted some butterfly bushes and they just love them. Anyway, we had a chrysalis hanging on our chain link fence for...
My brother in Christ John Traczyk shared this below on his social media and I thought it was most excellent and that it needed to be shared on my blog as well. I had been thinking of the timing of the events and trying to reconcile them myself when I just so happened...
The Giants Are Coming
*** UPDATED ADDED 6/14/21...PASTOR JD FARAG'S PROPHECY UPDATE COVERS THE GIANTS..SCROLL DOWN *** Yes, this thing ^^^ is coming on the scene and not just one but many. By the end of 3 years they will have several of these dispersed throughout the globe. On the surface...
Right Now End Of Days Things That SHOULD Shake People Up To Accepting Jesus TODAY
Wow, what a 2020 this whole world has had so far! This blog post is merely going to be a loooooong and I mean loooooong mash up of events that have been going on now and that have been discussed in the last few weeks. It is a conglomeration of all things I would have...
Whoever Denies Me Before Men, I Also Will Deny Before My Father Who Is In Heaven. (Matthew 10:33)
*** UPDATED!!! VIDEO BELOW IS WORKING NOW. *** John 16:1-4 “I have said all these things to you to keep you from falling away. 2 They will put you out of the synagogues. Indeed, the hour is coming when whoever kills you will think he is offering service to God. 3 And...
Beware Of The Noahide Laws
Ok...This is a difficult one for me and I have had some gut wrenching days looking into this and learning more and more disturbing things of it each day that I do. The deception of the Noahide Laws. I have no words. I decided to just present the information for...
And they asked him, saying, Master, but when shall these things be? and what sign will there be when these things shall come to pass? And he said, Take heed that ye be not deceived: for many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and the time draweth near:...
Is Israel’s Restoration Still A Sign Of The Lord’s Return?
Below I share an excellent article that I stumbled across today at one of my favorite of all time sites; Amos 3:7. He had shared it from another one of my favorite sites; Pre-Trib Research Center. It is well worth the re share of the re share (he he). It is lengthy...
Is This It? Could It Actually Be???
Zephaniah 2:1-3 1 Gather yourselves together, yes, gather together, O undesirable nation, 2 Before the decree is issued, Or the day passes like chaff, Before the Lord’s fierce anger comes upon you, Before the day of the Lord’s anger comes upon you! 3 Seek the Lord,...
The Theory of Crisis and Quantum Entanglement
Leave it to one of my favorites to follow Pete Garcia when I don't have a new blog write up ready to post just yet. Another home run hit the nail on the head article to read! The Theory of Crisis and Quantum Entanglement by: Pete Garcia According to Revelation 13, the...
The Distress of Nations, with Perplexity
Have I said how much I LOVE this guy's take on things? Another Pete Garcia HOME-RUN! Pete says and writes what I think and it makes my laziness of writing about it so much easier when all I have to do is re-blog his take on these end times! LoL! Please remember to...
In Him All Things Hold Together
The basics of all things..... Colossians 1:15-20 ~ JESUS... ....is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. 16 For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or...
Just A Lil Note: Headlines Of 1-15-16
Headlines of the day 1-15-16 {Bonus video added at bottom on 1-16-16} ******* U.S. Stock Market now down -420 points to 15,958. World-wide markets all SHARPLY down (Asian and European)..........Drudge Report headline "Retail Collapse-----Walmart to shut 269 stores...
Signs and Wonders in the Last Days
Excellent (as usual) write up by Pete Garcia below...You can find other posts of his as well as some other good articles at Omega Letter. Signs and Wonders in the Last Days Monday, December 28, 2015 Pete Garcia As of late, there has been much discussion over the...
Paris Is Burning & The Hegelian Dialect
Here is an excellent write up by Pete Garcia and its highlighted link to The Omega Letter below. Also, learn about The Hegelian Dialect. It is used on the world populace on a regular basis.... Paris is Burning ~ By:Pete Garcia I am putting my series of the Chronicles...
Who’s Down With TPP? Yeah, Not Me
But while we were distracted by devised and designed race wars to continue to divide and conquer the united (PS: Besides the Confederate flag, In the future The United States Flag will be next and most likely replaced with a Global flag but, I digress): ...
Getting closer and closer now…
With all the end of days type events going on in the world now it is enough to make your head spin...I have had a difficult time thinking about what to write about or focus on because there is just too much going on and so many others who are more qualified in each...
The Fringe
AGE OF DECEIT: Fallen Angels and the New World Order (2011) AGE OF DECEIT 2: Alchemy and the Rise...