The Pope, Islam, Secret Societies and The Antichrist- Chris Pinto & Sheila Zilinsky

May 27, 2016 | "Conspiracy", Antichrist, End Times, End Times Spiritualism/Religion, False Prophet, NWO

pope secret society islam
Stepping out from my break to post this timely interview by Sheila Zilinsky of Chris Pinto. It is a timely MUST hear interview. It’s only 51mins long but jammed packed with background information. The only thing I would add is that Chris believes the Pope may be the Antichrist and I am not fully convinced of that. My opinion is that the Pope would be the False prophet over the one world religious system and that the Antichrist will be more a political figure in government and run the whole system. However, I’m very open to the fact that I could be wrong on that if time and more information proves to me otherwise. The best any of us can do in regards to just how the end times will play out in details is speculation and educated guesses. One thing I do know is that God’s word is true and infallible and that it tells us there WILL be a one world government and religious system and there will be leaders over them. That said, if you want a really level headed person who covers the NWO and secret society topics, it’s definitely Chris Pinto! You can find links to his work and a video montage of his work at my “Conspiracy Theories?” link. Other key blog posts on this are found HERE and HERE. You can find Sheila Zilinsky’s work HERE. Enjoy the interview….


This is just of interest…I haven’t read all of these but what I have read I find interesting enough to share. BUT, as a disclaimer, I’ll add that I can’t necessarily agree with ALL his blog says only because I have not put enough time into it as of yet…In any event for those who are interested:

Part 1 – Pope Francis – Decoding the Coat of Arms (i.e. Masonic Tracing Board)


Part 2 – Pope Francis – Decoding the Coat of Arms: Feathered Serpent and Amarucan Eagle


Part 3 – Pope Francis – Jesuits and the Pope named Francis (Xavier)


Part 4 – Pope Francis – The Keys to Death and Hades


Part 5 – Pope Francis – ET Disclosure -The Pope as Their Herald (Hermes-Mercury)

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