May 10, 2016 | End Times
Prophecy unfolding!! Prepare your hearts!! ***Viewer discretion advised.*** The beginning of this video is showing effects of the drug Flakka but, if you look into this further you know that mind altering drugs are a gateway to demonic possession and the people...
May 9, 2016 | End Times, Rapture
Could not have put this together better myself….Home run Pete, as I like to call him, hits it home again!! Enjoy! Signs of the End: 5 of 5 The Second Coming By: Pete Garcia The final event in which Gods interjects directly into the affairs of fallen man, is what...
Mar 29, 2016 | Antichrist, CERN, End Times, End Times Spiritualism/Religion, Fallen Angel
** HUGE UPDATE ADDED September 10 Update (scroll to bottom) ** Apparently the Temple of Baal is going to be erected in about 1000 cities around the world (so far). New York’s and London’s will be next month in April. This is so unreal and unbelievable....
Mar 29, 2016 | End Times, Prophecy, Salvation
Revelation 13:16-18 ~ Also it causes all, both small and great, both rich and poor, both free and slave, to be marked on the right hand or the forehead, 17 so that no one can buy or sell unless he has the mark, that is, the name of the beast or the number of its name....
Mar 18, 2016 | "Conspiracy", Antichrist, End Times, NWO, Prophecy
Fascinating information to contemplate. Will this year reveal the Antichrist and the start of the Tribulation? We can’t know for certain until it unfolds but, the research that Tom Horn did with the help of Cris Putnam’s research, unfolded a ton of...
Mar 15, 2016 | "Conspiracy", End Times, Fallen Angel, Fringe, Giants, UFOlogy
Most excellent interview…Please take the time to listen to it. Please also visit the link to the video because Josh Peck provides other key links pertinent to the interview such as links to David Flynn as well as others!!! UPDATE: David Flynn’s site and...
Mar 14, 2016 | End Times, Israel, Prophecy, Rapture, Salvation
For those of us who have awakened from this daydream we call life…we have awoken only to realize that there is another, more permanent reality to our existence beyond that which our five senses can perceive. We have taken notice and sense an evil creeping over this...
Feb 29, 2016 | CERN, End Times, Fallen Angel
Only time will tell of course but, in my opinion, Anthony Patch makes a strong argument for it. If you have followed him, other posts, interviews and, articles about the subject it appears to be yes. Check out the latest on CERN by Anthony Patch and Kris from End...
Feb 25, 2016 | End Times, Ezekiel 38-39, Isaiah 17, Israel, NWO, Prophecy
Since I am more geared to the supernatural, fallen angel and “sciencey” things of the End Times I am going to post a few writings and posts by others who have a better handle of the things going on in the Middle East and the wars leading up to the...
Feb 13, 2016 | CERN, End Times, Fallen Angel
Einstein and Tesla walk into a bar….Never mind, that joke would “shockingly fall flat”…ha ha…Bah dump bump…I know, it’s bad, so bad…I should get a 10 for the effort though, right? All jokes or non jokes aside, there was...
Jan 31, 2016 | CERN, End Times, Fallen Angel
This interview of Anthony Patch is only 50mins long and it has some wowie things in it that I had not heard before. Anthony also offers an alternate explanation for the sounds heard around the world to consider. The interview is done by Daniel Holdings at Prepare The...
Jan 31, 2016 | "Conspiracy", End Times, NWO
The great deception and delusion continues to be set up before our very eyes and ears. You can do a search and see this delusion of sounds has been going for a few years now. It’s all part of the ultimate goal of “disclosure” and the full...
Jan 17, 2016 | CERN, End Times, End Times Spiritualism/Religion, False Prophet, NWO
Here is a short article from the Now The End Begins site below. What we are seeing is the beast system of the one world government and religious system being set up and all happening right before our eyes. I also have no doubt that CERN and the adiabatic quantum...
Jan 15, 2016 | End Times, Shemittah
Headlines of the day 1-15-16 {Bonus video added at bottom on 1-16-16} ******* U.S. Stock Market now down -420 points to 15,958. World-wide markets all SHARPLY down (Asian and European)……….Drudge Report headline “Retail...
Dec 31, 2015 | CERN, End Times, End Times Spiritualism/Religion, Fallen Angel
Thank you to FaceLikeTheSun for posting a CERN WATCH update via an email from Anthony Patch who has and has had the most valuable information about CERN from the beginning. There will be a live stream video on January 6th 2016 (this coming Wednesday). I will post this...
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