Sep 26, 2017 | But That's Just Me, Jubilee, Rapture, Revelation 12 Sign, Signs in the Sun Moon and Stars
Another excellent video to consider from one of my favorite sites Paul continues the study of the New Year that falls on a Jubilee. Israel has not been counting the Jubilees officially so end times prophecy watchers can only speculate and note...
Sep 25, 2017 | But That's Just Me, End Times, Jubilee, Revelation 12 Sign, Signs in the Sun Moon and Stars
I hope you are still on watch. The watch is NOT over. Let the scoffers scoff. It was prophesied that they would. What we did not realize or remember is that some would be in the very body of Christ denying God’s written story to us in his creation in the...
Jun 5, 2017 | End Times, Israel, Jubilee, Prophecy, Signs in the Sun Moon and Stars
Excellent articles to consider by Daymond Duck below! Last week, my article was titled, “Words That Are Getting My Attention.” This week, I thought that I would write about numbers that are getting my attention. I have never had a desire to study the significance of...
Apr 8, 2017 | End Times, Ezekiel 38-39, Isaiah 17, Jubilee, Prophecy, Psalm 83
I wanted to wait and see how the recent strikes in Syria via the US would unfold in the days to come before making a post but, I decided to post this quick one with a great short video in the interim. I can tell you that I am watching and waiting to see if this leads...
Sep 28, 2016 | End Times, Feast days, God, Israel, Jesus, Jubilee, Prophecy, Rapture, Shemittah
NEWS OF POSSIBLE PROPHETIC IMPACT! I am sharing some video interviews of Dan Goodwin below that will explain just why the news in this blog could be prophetically important. However, there are so many calendars and so much confusion that we can’t be dogmatic....
Aug 25, 2015 | End Times, Jubilee, Shemitah, Shemittah
Well, well, well, that was quite a display in the global markets we saw on August 24, 2015. It has every watchmen of end times Bible prophecy wondering about The Shemittah that Jonathan Cahn and others have been talking about and about what is to come in September. I...