I realize I have not posted in awhile. I have taken a much needed break. However, I am not sure how much more I could say or post about. The one world global beast system government prophesied about is being set in motion as i type this, the one world religion is in the works as well, Russia and other nations prophesied about in the Bible for the last days are in the daily headlines with wars and rumors of wars and, the world continues to decay even further into abominations. I have shared about all of this since I stared this blog in 2015. There are now so may others sharing the information and I have shared their sites and links for you to book mark over the years. There simply is not much more to say. We are in watch mode by the minute these days. If we remain and, if a huge event occurs that I feel lead to blog about I will indeed but, I feel like we are on the precipice of the rapture. It truly is any minute now. June is a super high watch month but, then again, so this whole year. Keep looking up! Most importantly, If you are not saved then…TODAY is the BEST day for your salvation! You are fast running out of tomorrows to call on Jesus to save you!!!

As my blog title states; yes, yes, and then also yes! I totally agree with him in this. New video from Todd Adkins. Great stuff! No matter where you stand on the opening of the seals it still turns out the same exact way. PRE-Tribulation or PRE the 7 year time of Jacob’s (Israel’s) Trouble. It is not a salvation issue but, this can truly clear so many things up on our watch. Take it or leave it but, it is well worth the consideration. Also see Ryan Pitterson‘s older articles on this in the links I share below. I’m sure you may have seen Ryan on Prophecy Watchers or elsewhere. He was just at one of their conferences. He has some awesome books. I have only read the first one but if time permits I’ll read the second one as well. My hopes are that the rapture will happen before I can get around to it though (he he he). If you click his name above it will take you to his Amazon page to see his books. Now, on with the blog…


Todd’s intro to his video…..

Yes…this is long. It wasn’t intended to be, but it’s hard to cover a topic this expansive more concisely (and still do it justice). You may need to watch in chunks – BUT – PLEASE don’t pass over it just because of it’s length. I am VERY passionate about this! The message these prophecies contain (about an event most of us probably don’t know a lot about), is one that paints a very different picture than the one you probably have in your mind. I simply cannot overstate the sense of urgency this stirs in me if we are as late in this story as many (including me) believe us to be.


The Old Testament, has SO VERY MUCH to say about the coming Day of the LORD (the time of God’s wrath being poured out upon the earth) and most of it is not just bad, it’s bleak – and terrifying! And, to my knowledge, this video covers ALL of it!! It is a Day of devastation and destruction beyond what most folks have ever considered; a Day when the judgment of God is unleashed in fiery and furious wrath against His enemies, and those who have rejected His Son, Jesus.


As in the last video study through a middle chunk of Isaiah, this is very comprehensive, and there are amazing – and, I believe, undeniable – correlations to the details we are told of in Revelation. These connections are compelling, eye-opening, and in some cases mind-blowing (at least for me).


Please understand that I see this Day drawing ever nearer and my hope is that many will come to faith in Jesus before this terrible Day is suddenly, and unexpectedly, upon them!


Share the good news of Jesus dying on the cross for their sins with your lost friends, family and loved ones in these days – while you can! The destruction that will come upon the earth after the rapture will be swift, sure, sudden and beyond what anyone can comprehend! And whether it delays much longer or not, it IS coming.


If you are a believer in Jesus, this video is meant to encourage you! If you are not, it is offered in hopes that God will use it to bring you to a relationship with Jesus through belief in Him, and Him alone, as the source of salvation. The steps to becoming a follower of Christ are included in the video and below.


Salvation is ONLY found in Jesus Christ (John 4:6). It is the gift of God (and must be received as such – you CANNOT be good enough to earn it) (Ephesians 2:8-9).

Romans 3:23​​ and 6:23​​ tell us that ALL have sinned and that the wages of sin is death.

Romans 10:9-10 tell us that if we believe in Jesus in our heart and confess Him as Lord with our mouth, then we ARE saved.


Salvation is as simple as ABC:

A – Admit you’re a sinner in need of a savior (Rom. 3:23​​ and 6:23 ​​)

B –Believe that Jesus was crucified to pay the penalty for you sins (past, present and future), that He was buried and God raised Him on the third day. (1 Corinthians 15:2-4, John 3:16 and John 14:6)

C – Confess Him as Lord and Call on His name! (Romans 10:9-10)

PLEASE DO THIS TODAY, My Dear Friends! Time is so very short!


The Day of the LORD in the Old Testament – Amazing, Undeniable, Eye-Opening Connections & Details!









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