2017 Judgement Against Rebellion

Mar 2, 2018 | But That's Just Me, End Times, Pre Tribulation Rapture, Rapture


Here is a really super cool four part video teaching by Pastor Sandy Armstrong. It’s his latest. Please listen to all or at the least parts 2-4 to hear some good stuff for consideration as we watch this spring. We have been on watch for the last several years in particular but, we have been on a HIGH watch since the Revelation 12 Sign along with all the other signs so the nearness can not be denied. It’s so close now. Wake up, be on alert and most importantly get saved now if you aren’t saved already!! The rapture aside, we are not guaranteed tomorrow. We don’t know how long our lives will be on this Earth. We need to ensure where our eternity will be spent. The only choice in life that truly matters is if we will accept Jesus’ FREE offer of salvation. Will we accept that he took our place of judgment so that we can have eternal life with him or eternal life in hell? That’s just the plain facts. The ABC’s will be at the bottom of this post or see this link here ~~> How To Get To Heaven

{ Each part is  20 minutes long except for part four which is only 6 minutes and 15 seconds long }



* Prepare For The Spring Wedding?




*** UPDATE (added 3/2/18) ***

When Is Nisan 1?

By T.W. Tramm


Clip from the study:

This brings us, finally, to the question of this year’s equinox/new-moon reckoning. In 2018, the sighted new moon of March is estimated to occur between the 18th and 19th, about a day before the astronomical calculated equinox on March 20. Correspondingly, most sources put Nisan 1 at March 18-19. Owing to atmospheric conditions and other considerations,9 however, it’s conceivable that the sighting of the new-moon crescent could actually coincide with the equinox. In this scenario, Nisan 1 could be reckoned March 20. The other possibility, addressed in this study, is that Nisan 1 could be the first sighted new moon after the equinox. If this view is correct we could be looking at an April 17-18 biblical New Year.

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T.W. Tramm


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