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Israel, Bible Prophecy & the Coming Apocalypse @ (R$E)

Israel, Bible Prophecy & the Coming Apocalypse @ (R$E)

*** UPDATE ADDED BELOW ... VIDEO INTERVIEW WITH BILL SALUS *** This was an excellent discussion in the video I share below! Please take the time to listen. It's only about an hour long. ALL of these events of the day have been prophesied in God's word for the last...

The Davos 2023 Agenda. Antichrist Beast System Set Up Continues.

The Davos 2023 Agenda. Antichrist Beast System Set Up Continues.

Nothing to see here...Just more of the same setting up for the near future Beast system global government reigned over by the Antichrist....Carry on and pretend it's not happening because it did not happen overnight....Yet, that is...   1 Thessalonians 5:2-4 For...

Is “The Yanuka” Rav Shlomo Yehudah Beeri The Jews Awaited Messiah? Short Answer, No But…

Is “The Yanuka” Rav Shlomo Yehudah Beeri The Jews Awaited Messiah? Short Answer, No But…

This video below is going around. It most certainly is interesting in light of the Kaduri and Persimmon prophecies and because of the Israeli Rabbi who Says He’s Already Holding Meetings With Messiah but, this can not be fully confirmed that they announced him as...

Is Planet X, Nibiru,The Red Dragon or Whatever You May Call It Coming Near?

Is Planet X, Nibiru,The Red Dragon or Whatever You May Call It Coming Near?

Nibiru / Red Dragon / Red star Kachina / Planet X I felt this topic needed it's own post. I have been meaning to do one for some time now and just haven't. However, some interesting tidbits popped up and I thought now is the time to do it since 2021 is a key year via...

Still The Greatest Story Ever Told

Still The Greatest Story Ever Told

STILL The Greatest Story Ever Told by Jack Kinsella Omega Letter Good Friday is the day Christians commemorate the single most horrific event in human history -- the day that mankind turned on and murdered his Creator. But that murderous event was NOT the event that...

2016 What May Be Coming???

2016 What May Be Coming???

Fascinating information to contemplate. Will this year reveal the Antichrist and the start of the Tribulation? We can't know for certain until it unfolds but, the research that Tom Horn did with the help of Cris Putnam's research, unfolded a ton of information and it...

Amazing Prophecies Fulfilled In The Bible

Amazing Prophecies Fulfilled In The Bible

300 Predictions about Messiah View a list of 300 predictions about Yeshua, the Jewish Messiah, including a brief description, the reference for the prediction in Jewish Scriptures and the reference for its fulfillment in the New Testament. { Just click the highlighted...

Signs and Wonders in the Last Days

Signs and Wonders in the Last Days

Excellent (as usual) write up by Pete Garcia below...You can find other posts of his as well as some other good articles at Omega Letter. Signs and Wonders in the Last Days Monday, December 28, 2015 Pete Garcia As of late, there has been much discussion over the...

“They Live”! Piped The Piper.

“They Live”! Piped The Piper.

If you were a kid or teenager in the 80's you most probably know who Rowdy Roddy Piper is. If you are a truther, Christian or other wise, you most probably know who he is because of the cult classic film "They Live" from 1988. Sadly, he passed away on Thursday July...

About the site and Me

This site is just a smattering of links and articles of interest pertaining to the End Times and Christianity with maybe a blog from me on certain topics as well. I am by no means a scholar and I have no desire to debate, fight or argue about these issues I bring here...

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