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Pentecost in July?? Reason to continue the watch from June until July now!

Pentecost in July?? Reason to continue the watch from June until July now!

I know most people know the phrase "Marcia, Marcia, Marcia" well, I'm starting this post off with "Calendars, Calendars, Calendars!". I am the first to tell you that all the calendar issues just throw me through a loop! It gets so confusing and since I have a math...

Pentecost Rapture Watch And War Drums Beating

Pentecost Rapture Watch And War Drums Beating

They can set their pieces in place and bring chaos to gain their order out of but, the day will come when God puts an end to the little games they play to destroy mankind and gain power. Once the last of the last of people who will come to Jesus comes into his kingdom...

A Bit More on The Eclipse – Signs in the Heavens and CERN

A Bit More on The Eclipse – Signs in the Heavens and CERN

*** UPDATE ADDED SHORT 11 MIN VIDEO & 16 MIN VIDEO (added on 4/2/24)...SCROLL BELOW *** Just wanted to add a few more tid bits about what else is going on during the April 8th 2nd Great American eclipse. Below I include an article by Terry James and a couple more...

Red Heifers and Preparation For Third Temple

Red Heifers and Preparation For Third Temple

I just wanted to share some key video discussions and some past blog post links in relation to the red Heifer situation. Key things are happening right now that should be paid attention to. Just more indicators of the last days and the prepping for the third temple...

As My Friend Dave A said: File under: “You Can’t Make This Stuff up!”

As My Friend Dave A said: File under: “You Can’t Make This Stuff up!”

*** UPDATE ADDED 3/23/24...A FEW MORE VIDEOS BELOW ABOUT THIS ECLIPSE *** {NOTE: Actually after further review only 2 of the 7 Ninevehs will be fully covered by the eclipse but the others are in close proximity of the coverage. Even if ONE Nineveh was covered it is...

New Wine Rapture…Tu B’Av Rapture?

New Wine Rapture…Tu B’Av Rapture?

**FANTASTICLE!! SCROLL BELOW TO SEE TYLER'S @ GENERATION 2434 VIDEO!!!** Well I was going to just leave it alone and not post another blog post because I thought that my last one on the August watch was sufficient. HOWEVER, these two videos match up so perfectly along...



I'm sharing this new video by Ricardo Garcia. I just really think that Ricardo makes a lot of sense here. Not only do I think his calendar makes sense, I also agree with his thoughts about the New World Order etc. This July wheat harvest time also matches the Fruit...



** See interesting news update added 3/1/22 added right below ** This video below by Todd Adkins needs to be watched! You have GOT to hear it! I was introduced to David Lowe's books by my friend Andria and then by Todd himself during a few conversations with both of...

2023 END-TIMES PROPHECY (70th Week of Daniel Revealed)…Pluto and More…

2023 END-TIMES PROPHECY (70th Week of Daniel Revealed)…Pluto and More…

I am sharing some intriguing videos below. C.J. Lovik has a new one out and I share a couple of dream ones as well. I have to ask, if the Tribulation does begin one of these coming years in the fall, then how much closer is the rapture??? I'd say pretty darn close!...

Calculating Daniel’s Jubilee (2022) by: T.W. Tramm – (01/11/22)

Calculating Daniel’s Jubilee (2022) by: T.W. Tramm – (01/11/22)

SNIP: "The crux is that since the Jubilee is associated with the Rapture, and the Rapture is imminent, the Jubilee should be considered imminent, i.e. possibly 2022."   I'm looking for this Spring but, if we are still here, I will be still looking on each high...

Prophetic Parallels – Rapture & Tribulation 2022

Prophetic Parallels – Rapture & Tribulation 2022

*** UPDATED VIDEO AND THOUGHTS ADDED BELOW *** I just thought these videos were spectacularly done. I thoroughly enjoyed them and thought I might also share them with you guys as well. Now, you don't have to agree with the timeline to enjoy how he put the videos...

Mary Tyler Moore, Rapture Speculation and Pharmakeia? Hmmm

Mary Tyler Moore, Rapture Speculation and Pharmakeia? Hmmm

*** UPDATED 8/24/21 SCROLL FOR NEW VIDEO AND LINK *** Ok, let me start by saying, for entertainment in down times we have been watching old tv shows in our house like The Odd Couple, Taxi, Rhoda, Mary Tyler Moore Show, Alice, The Dick Van Dyke show etc. Good ole clean...

MIND BLOWN!!! The uncanny connection of Apostle Paul and Rabbi Akiva, and man’s strange fire.

MIND BLOWN!!! The uncanny connection of Apostle Paul and Rabbi Akiva, and man’s strange fire.

Wow indeed. Please take the 30mins to watch this video. Very telling. I'd like to add that God is talking to the Jews right now with the current events of the day in and with Israel. So, when the Time of Jacob's Trouble (The Tribulation or the final week per Daniel...

This Is A High Watch Week!

This Is A High Watch Week!

We may not know for sure the exact day but we will know the time and season for it. We are told that the day will not surprise us if we are watching! This is a high watch week! Starting today on the 20th all the way to the 24th through to the 26th. Do not lose hope on...

It’s Friday But Sunday’s Coming…Third Day Wedding???

It’s Friday But Sunday’s Coming…Third Day Wedding???

Jesus Delivered to Be Crucified Then Pilate took Jesus and flogged him. And the soldiers twisted together a crown of thorns and put it on his head and arrayed him in a purple robe. They came up to him, saying, “Hail, King of the Jews!” and struck him with their hands....

Encouragement for Watching December…Stunning Heavenly Signs and Patterns for the Rapture

Encouragement for Watching December…Stunning Heavenly Signs and Patterns for the Rapture

Hebrews 10:35-39 Therefore do not throw away your confidence, which has a great reward. For you have need of endurance, so that when you have done the will of God you may receive what is promised. For, “Yet a little while, and the coming one will come and will not...

Is The True Superhero Going To Pluck Us Out In Time Before The Barreling Down On The World Tribulation In June???

Is The True Superhero Going To Pluck Us Out In Time Before The Barreling Down On The World Tribulation In June???

*** Disclaimer added at the bottom *** A dear sister in Christ shared this this six part series with me and I just had to share with you all as well! The series is from Dr. Barry Awe! He may just blow your mind! Dr. Barry is very energetic and if you are a low key...

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