Feb 4, 2025 | But That's Just Me, Dispensationalism, End Times, End Times Spiritualism/Religion, Fig Tree Parable, Israel, New Age, NWO, One World Religion, Pre Tribulation Rapture, Prophecy, Rapture, Revelation 12 Sign, Signs in the Sun Moon and Stars, The Occult, Tribulation, UFOlogy
*** UPDATE ADDED 2/16/25 … SCROLL BELOW TO SEE IT! *** Some videos of things to consider….It’s just thinking out loud and not specific date setting. It is speculative season watching! Remember… Now concerning the times and the...
Dec 18, 2024 | Bible, But That's Just Me, Dispensationalism, End Times, Ezekiel 38-39, Great Reset, Israel, Jerusalem, Jesus, NWO, One World Religion, Pre Tribulation Rapture, Prophecy, Rapture, Tribulation
Do You Recognize the Signs of the Times? What We See Now Indicates Jesus is Coming Soon… By: Britt Gillette About two thousand years ago, Jesus rebuked the religious elites of His day. He criticized them for their failure to recognize His Coming. He told them, “You...
Mar 16, 2024 | Antichrist, But That's Just Me, Dispensationalism, End Times, False Prophet, Feast days, Fig Tree Parable, Israel, Jerusalem, Noahide Laws, Passover, Pentecost, Pre Tribulation Rapture, Prophecy, Rapture, Tribulation
I just wanted to share some key video discussions and some past blog post links in relation to the red Heifer situation. Key things are happening right now that should be paid attention to. Just more indicators of the last days and the prepping for the third temple...
Nov 12, 2023 | But That's Just Me, Dispensationalism, End Times, Ezekiel 38-39, Fig Tree Parable, Isaiah 17, Israel, Jerusalem, Pre Tribulation Rapture, Prophecy, Psalm 83, Replacement Theology, Tribulation
Two videos with valuable information that you need to know if you did not already. For those who would like actual facts and truth here they are below…. WAR in ISRAEL! | Hosts: Tim Moore & Nathan Jones (ONLY 28 mins long} The Two-Minute Warning...
Nov 1, 2023 | But That's Just Me, Dispensationalism, End Times, Ezekiel 38-39, Great Reset, Isaiah 17, Israel, Jerusalem, Jesus, New Age, NWO, Pre Tribulation Rapture, Prophecy, Psalm 83, Rapture, The Occult, Tribulation
*** UPDATE ADDED BELOW … VIDEO INTERVIEW WITH BILL SALUS *** This was an excellent discussion in the video I share below! Please take the time to listen. It’s only about an hour long. ALL of these events of the day have been prophesied in God’s word...
Oct 23, 2023 | But That's Just Me, Dispensationalism, End Times, Fig Tree Parable, God, Israel, Jerusalem, Jesus, Pre Tribulation Rapture, Prophecy, Rapture, Replacement Theology
I’m just going to post Pastor Sholto’s 30 min video and under that Pastor JD Farag’s. They cover it all and nothing more needs to be added by me. Some perspective on Israel 2 MINUTE VIDEOS: Former Prince of Hamas speaks out HAMAS...
Oct 11, 2023 | Antichrist, But That's Just Me, Dispensationalism, End Times, Ezekiel 38-39, Fig Tree Parable, Isaiah 17, Israel, Jerusalem, Pre Tribulation Rapture, Prophecy, Psalm 83, Rapture, Replacement Theology, Revelation 12 Sign, Salvation, Tribulation
The video below is ONLY 17 mins long. Please watch it and visit the links right below. Better yet, go to the Unsealed site for a lot more! The United Nations met to confirm a covenant (Agenda 2030) for a period of seven years, and then weeks later the Middle East...
Oct 9, 2023 | But That's Just Me, Dispensationalism, End Times, Ezekiel 38-39, Fig Tree Parable, Isaiah 17, Israel, Jerusalem, Psalm 83, Tribulation
I wanted to put this idea out to those who are praying for Israel…PLEASE pray this with me every day before they start harming the hostages and posting it on social media platforms as they have threatened!! My prayers have been for the Lord to please show any...
Oct 7, 2023 | Antichrist, But That's Just Me, Dispensationalism, End Times, Ezekiel 38-39, Fig Tree Parable, God, Isaiah 17, Israel, Jerusalem, Jesus, Pre Tribulation Rapture, Prophecy, Psalm 83, Rapture, Tribulation
Pray for Israel!! Also, KEEP WATCH and LOOK UP….What happens as a result of this attack against Israel will tell us how close the rapture is and if this is in fact the time of Jacob’s (Israel’s) Trouble beginning. I will be sharing several videos...
Jun 17, 2023 | But That's Just Me, Dispensationalism, End Times, Feast days, Fig Tree Parable, Israel, Jerusalem, Jesus, Pentecost, Pre Tribulation Rapture, Rapture
If you haven’t seen this one already then this is a must watch video! It is so very encouraging and has a ton of cool nuggets all the way to the end! Also, take a look at the relevant links to add on to it. Be on watch and stay on watch going forward! Soon and...
Feb 20, 2023 | But That's Just Me, Dispensationalism, End Times, Fig Tree Parable, God, Jesus, Pre Tribulation Rapture, Rapture, Salvation, Tribulation
If the thought and warnings of Jesus coming back again disturbs you or makes you upset then a heart check may be in order. Fearful of the unknown and a bit of anxiety about it is understandable but, God has prepared for those of us who love him, things we can not even...
Jan 18, 2023 | But That's Just Me, Dispensationalism, End Times, Fig Tree Parable, Israel, Jesus, Jubilee, Pre Tribulation Rapture, Prophecy, Rapture, Tribulation
Of HIGH interest! Video is only 54 mins long. Take it or leave it but, it is very intriguing to say the least. 2023 is a high watch time in any event. Keep looking up because it is so close now!! Here is the video below: 2023 END-TIMES PROPHECY (70th...
Sep 22, 2022 | Antichrist, But That's Just Me, Dispensationalism, End Times, End Times Spiritualism/Religion, Ezekiel 38-39, False Prophet, False Religions, Feast days, Fig Tree Parable, Isaiah 17, Israel, Jerusalem, NWO, One World Religion, Pre Tribulation Rapture, Prophecy, Rapture, Shemittah, Tribulation
*** Part 2 added on 9/28/22 scroll below *** This video done last night matches my post I made yesterday. Worth the watch! Also, very encouraging! Don’t forget to subscribe to Tyler’s channel: Generation2434 and Bro Chooch’s channel: TOL End Times...
Sep 21, 2022 | But That's Just Me, Dispensationalism, End Times, Ezekiel 38-39, False Prophet, False Religions, Fig Tree Parable, Isaiah 17, Israel, Jerusalem, NWO, One World Religion, Pre Tribulation Rapture, Prophecy, Rapture, Salvation, Tribulation
I’d like to start off this post by saying the phrase I use all the time and on social media. TODAY is the BEST day for your salvation because you are FAST running out of time to call on Jesus to save you BEFORE it begins!! I’m starting off this way because...
Sep 9, 2022 | AC-Chain, Antichrist, But That's Just Me, Cryptocurrency, Dispensationalism, Doctrines of Demons, End Times, End Times Spiritualism/Religion, Fallen Angel, Giants, God and Angels, Great Reset, Mark of The Beast, NWO, One World Religion, Pre Tribulation Rapture, Prophecy, Quantum, Rapture, The Occult, Tribulation
You should listen to at least some of this video if not all….Most all of the topics shared in their discussion has been shared at my blog since 2015. Just type in whatever you are curious about in the search bar and the articles with links will pop up. Quantum,...