Jun 13, 2021 | But That's Just Me, End Times, End Times Spiritualism/Religion, Fallen Angel, False Prophet, False Religions, Giants, Mark of The Beast, NWO, One World Religion, Prophecy, Tribulation
*** UPDATED ADDED 6/14/21…PASTOR JD FARAG’S PROPHECY UPDATE COVERS THE GIANTS..SCROLL DOWN *** Yes, this thing ^^^ is coming on the scene and not just one but many. By the end of 3 years they will have several of these dispersed throughout the globe. On...
May 24, 2021 | But That's Just Me, Doctrines of Demons, End Times Spiritualism/Religion, False Religions, Must Read, New Age, One World Religion, The Occult
Why I am not a Jehovah’s Witness or Mormon…Just some valuable resources to answer a few questions. If there was any time to be on the correct and truthful path it is NOW. Please, review the resources below if you have had any questions or concerns about...
May 9, 2021 | Antichrist, But That's Just Me, Doctrines of Demons, End Times, End Times Spiritualism/Religion, Fallen Angel, False Prophet, Fig Tree Parable, God and Angels, Nibiru / Planet X, NWO, One World Religion, Pre Tribulation Rapture, Signs in the Sun Moon and Stars, Tribulation, UFOlogy
Just a short link share post. I have been taking a wee bit of a break from all things. I’m still watching very closely and expecting something big this year (maybe within the next 2 months) but, I needed a little time to just re-group. That said, if you do not...
Apr 6, 2021 | Antichrist, But That's Just Me, Doctrines of Demons, End Times Spiritualism/Religion, False Prophet, Noahide Laws, One World Religion, Tribulation
This video below is going around. It most certainly is interesting in light of the Kaduri and Persimmon prophecies and because of the Israeli Rabbi who Says He’s Already Holding Meetings With Messiah but, this can not be fully confirmed that they announced him as...
Mar 6, 2021 | Antichrist, But That's Just Me, Doctrines of Demons, End Times, End Times Spiritualism/Religion, Fallen Angel, False Prophet, Nibiru / Planet X, Noahide Laws, One World Religion, Pre Tribulation Rapture, Prophecy, Tribulation
*** UPDATE ADDED 3/9/21…SCROLL DOWN *** The children gather wood, the fathers kindle fire, and the women knead dough, to make cakes for the queen of heaven. And they pour out drink offerings to other gods, to provoke me to anger. ~ Jeremiah 7:18 The...
Dec 9, 2020 | Antichrist, But That's Just Me, CERN, End Times, End Times Spiritualism/Religion, Fallen Angel, False Prophet, Giants, God and Angels, New Age, One World Religion, Pre Tribulation Rapture, UFOlogy
UPDATED POINT OF INTEREST: So I used a Macbeth quote by Shakespeare for my “alien” disclosure blog post I did today on December 8th about delusion and DNA changing the fallen angels are always involved in and I just saw that the 2nd person in history to...
Oct 16, 2020 | Antichrist, But That's Just Me, End Times, End Times Spiritualism/Religion, False Prophet, Mark of The Beast, NWO, One World Religion, The Rona, Tribulation
***UPDATED ADDED 10/16/20..GUIDE TO THE GREAT RESET VIDEO*** The one world Beast System is rising and about to be fully implemented soon. After rapture and global chaos they will put their Antichrist leader at the head to run it along with the False Prophet. TODAY,...
Sep 17, 2020 | But That's Just Me, End Times, End Times Spiritualism/Religion, False Prophet, Israel, Jerusalem, Noahide Laws, NWO, One World Religion, Prophecy, Tribulation
2 Corinthians 6:14-16 Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers. For what partnership has righteousness with lawlessness? Or what fellowship has light with darkness? What accord has Christ with Belial? Or what portion does a believer share with an unbeliever? What...
Mar 18, 2020 | Antichrist, But That's Just Me, End Times, End Times Spiritualism/Religion, False Prophet, Noahide Laws, NWO, One World Religion, Pre Tribulation Rapture, Prophecy, Rapture, Signs in the Sun Moon and Stars, The Rona
Wow, what a 2020 this whole world has had so far! This blog post is merely going to be a loooooong and I mean loooooong mash up of events that have been going on now and that have been discussed in the last few weeks. It is a conglomeration of all things I would have...
Jan 30, 2020 | Antichrist, But That's Just Me, End Times Spiritualism/Religion, Fallen Angel, Israel, Jerusalem, NWO, One World Religion, Revelation 12 Sign, The Occult, UFOlogy
Hi all. I have just been too busy and tied up to get out a good post about all the latest news. Please check out Unsealed’s latest on Trumps “Deal of The Century” peace plan. There are some other things surrounding this but I just don’t have...
Nov 25, 2019 | Antichrist, But That's Just Me, End Times, End Times Spiritualism/Religion, Israel, Jerusalem, Noahide Laws, NWO, One World Religion, Prophecy
What are the seventy weeks of Daniel? Once It Starts, It Is Unstoppable and Irrevocable They waited to indict him until after Gantz couldn’t form a government because they will have another election in March and want Bibi off the table. Wonder if...
Oct 5, 2019 | But That's Just Me, End Times, End Times Spiritualism/Religion, God, Israel, Jerusalem, Jesus, Noahide Laws, One World Religion, Replacement Theology, Salvation
You know who can be considered a real antisemite? It is one who would keep the TRUE way of salvation from Jews. It is one who would keep them from Jesus and from accepting his FINAL sacrifice for sins. The one who would do that is committing spiritual murder against...
Sep 24, 2019 | Antichrist, But That's Just Me, End Times, End Times Spiritualism/Religion, Ezekiel 38-39, Israel, Jerusalem, Noahide Laws, NWO, One World Religion, Pre Tribulation Rapture
*** UPDATED ADDED 9/25/19 SCROLL TO BOTTOM *** Let me start off by saying, it is so difficult to have the discussion and get the truth out about the detriment of the Noahide laws with fellow believers. After studying all these things about the laws and Kabbalah it has...
Sep 19, 2019 | "Conspiracy", But That's Just Me, End Times, End Times Spiritualism/Religion, Fallen Angel, NWO, One World Religion, The Occult
If you have been through my blog at all then this post simply speaks for itself… The second video below is only 8mins long. Get to the 4min mark. It is to introduce the interview video below it. Jesus will be coming back to judge. He is patient so that more will...
Sep 10, 2019 | But That's Just Me, End Times, End Times Spiritualism/Religion, Israel, Jerusalem, Noahide Laws, One World Religion
Here below is another Messianic Jewish ministry (besides Rabbi Zev Porat) that you can bless Israel and the Jews with by supporting. They are truly reaching the Jews with the Gospel and telling much needed truths!!! Please take the time to listen to the very first...
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