Into 2018……

*** UPDATE ADDED BELOW ON 1/12/18 *** Hello everyone. I know this is about 11 days later than New Years but here is my post with several links to review the year 2017 and what we have witnessed via end times Bible prophecy being fulfilled going into 2018. Each year...

The Theory of Crisis and Quantum Entanglement

Leave it to one of my favorites to follow Pete Garcia when I don’t have a new blog write up ready to post just yet. Another home run hit the nail on the head article to read! The Theory of Crisis and Quantum Entanglement by: Pete Garcia According to Revelation...


This is just going to be a short and sweet post to say you really need to visit this site I’m sharing below daily from this point forward. Take a look at ALL of their articles and especially the work they have done about the Revelation 12 sign specifically. It...

Yes, Exactly!

This is almost exactly what I think about the UN decision made on December 23rd. Excellent video if you have not seen it yet….There are a few things I think a bit differently about but nothing that would be too far off. Just for example, I think Psalm 83 is most...
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