Israel is at War…October 7th 2023…Rapture and The Time of Jacob’s Trouble is on the Horizon

Oct 7, 2023 | Antichrist, But That's Just Me, Dispensationalism, End Times, Ezekiel 38-39, Fig Tree Parable, God, Isaiah 17, Israel, Jerusalem, Jesus, Pre Tribulation Rapture, Prophecy, Psalm 83, Rapture, Tribulation

Pray for Israel!! Also, KEEP WATCH and LOOK UP….What happens as a result of this attack against Israel will tell us how close the rapture is and if this is in fact the time of Jacob’s (Israel’s) Trouble beginning. I will be sharing several videos below of those reporting in case you have not seen them yet. I also share an older blog link with various links within that explain why we need to be watching RIGHT NOW for Jesus!

It’s coming….

I will gather all the nations and bring them down to the Valley of Jehoshaphat. And I will enter into judgment with them there, on behalf of my people and my heritage Israel, because they have scattered them among the nations and have divided up my land… ~ Joel 3:2


Israel Is The Key To Unlock Rapture Timing


Now for some videos and or pod casts shared so far today….

Benjamin Netanyahu Declares WAR In Israel!

P.I.D. Radio 10/7/23: Israel is at War

Intro to video:

ISRAEL WAS caught by surprise this morning as Hamas launched more than 5,000 rockets and crossed the border, reportedly abducting more than 50 Israelis to Gaza. As of this recording, more than 100 Israelis are dead and another 900 injured. The Israeli government reports that Hamas terrorists have been engaged in 22 communities in southern Israel.

This is a fluid situation, so there is no breaking news here, but we try to make sense of this in light of world events and Bible prophecy. Is this the beginning of a Psalm 83 war, or could it be another front in the early days of World War III? We know this: The fallen realm wants control of Jerusalem, and specifically the Temple Mount. However the current situation unfolds, the final battle of the age, Armageddon, will be fought there.

Until then, just remember Psalm 2:4–6:

He who sits in the heavens laughs;
the Lord holds them in derision.
Then He will speak to them in His wrath,
and terrify them in His fury, saying,
“As for Me, I have set My King
on Zion, my holy hill.”

Israel is at War {8 mins long}

2023 10 07 Special Update – Israel at War

Israel INVADED by Hamas in SURPRISE Attack; Netanyahu Declares WAR | Watchman Newscast LIVE

BREAKING NEWS Q&A – Israel Declares War!

Intro for video:

We awoke early this morning to the news from Israel. What a shocker to be at a prophecy conference awaiting a message by Bill Salus and Bill Koenig on the coming wars in Israel! Talk about Divine orchestration! L.A. Marzulli was scheduled to leave our conference in Norman today at 11:00 AM for a trip to Israel with 50 people. Cancelled! So many things going on down here and so much prophetic excitement in the air!

We made some quick last minute changes and moved Bill and Bill to the main ballroom where people were able to ask questions and get updates on Israel. We’ve decided to get this information out ASAP and air the recorded program on our YouTube channel just as soon as we’re able to get it downloaded. If you’re not a free subscriber to our YouTube channel, now would be a good time to sign up for updates.

Not a time to play around with your salvation even if they do stretch this out for a short time. You will not get the full news in the main stream media. We have to watch how this unfolds but it could be THE start of the coming 7 year Tribulation. Rapture happens first. DON’T BE LEFT BEHIND!!!

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