Two videos to consider. Tons of back up information in Zac’s video. I’ll post his first. It is long but just hear it all out and check out the back ups for what he is saying to confirm it for yourself. Don’t just cut him off. Please just hear it all out and then decide. Just pray about what you should do. Heed the Lord and his word in helping you decide. It’s all we can do at this stage of the plots and plans of the enemy. The Lord is allowing things to unfold the way they are because he is in control of the ending. He will be issuing out the punishments on the enemy and he will be the one to take the reigns and rule at the right time. Trust in him and him alone. Here are the 2 videos below.


The Watchtower 7/23/24: The Trump Card

You can follow Zac Here (in case the video gets removed etc):

🟠 Official Website
🟠 Official Telegram
🟠 Official Rumble
🟠 Official Odysee


Joanie Stahl – Warning! Trump and the NAR False Prophets

You can follow Tont Here (in case the video gets removed etc):

🟠 A Minute to Midnite Show # 516 with Joanie Stahl – Warning! Trump and the NAR False Prophets



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