Please watch the video below. All the things I have been thinking about and trying to assemble in my mind how it will all set the wheels in motion.Tyler is making some excellent observations here. Worth the hour! I re-read Revelation 17 & 18 and all the things popped into my mind such as Bye Bye Miss American Pie /The day the music died (Rev. 18:22 ~“So will Babylon the great city be thrown down with violence, and will be found no more; and the sound of harpists and musicians, of flute players and trumpeters, will be heard in you no more.) and how sitting as a queen never seeing any trouble because we are so “GREAT” etc etc…Pride before the fall? All things to really think about over just reacting to.
Don’t just react…Listen to it and think about it. I always thought the rapture and strategic hits war scenario would truly put an end to any country rising up and putting a kink in the already set in place pieces for the Antichrist global government. Stay alert to these things!! Jesus is truly at the door. The final chapters are playing out before our very eyes!
Donald Trump has been elected and his team is truly incredible! I believe that America is on the rise… but might this trigger its demise? Let’s take a look at Bible prophecy and think out loud together.
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My American Pie blog post:
Bye Bye Miss American Pie?
WAKE UP CHURCH! We ARE In The Last Days!