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For Christian Truthers and or Replacement Theologists… A mere nutshell response…
God tells us that he never forgets a covenant and keeps EVERY single one past, present and future. So let's take a look and see about Israel: The end times prophecies we see being set up (it's in all the news that we have been seeing and reading lately about Israel,...
A Pentecost Wedding | The Rapture in Focus
Paul Dawson at REVELATIONCHP12dotCOM again makes excellent points on our continuing watch into Pentecost. He also makes the excellent point of never giving up on each time frame for the watch in the face of all the belly aching and scoffing (which the belly...
Sanhedrin Passover Sacrifice Done Today. Yet Another Step Closer to Tribulation!
R$S did another video today. I just watched the Sanhedrin Passover sacrifice being done today, April 15, 2019. They practiced on a goat. I'll post the video below. The key part is when the Cohenen priest is talking towards the end of the video. LISTEN carefully to...
And There Is Nothing New Under The Sun
John 19:10-17 10 So Pilate said to him, “You will not speak to me? Do you not know that I have authority to release you and authority to crucify you?” 11 Jesus answered him, “You would have no authority over me at all unless it had been given you from above....
That’s All Folks!
Head on over to UNSEALED to read this little gem: Event Horizon: Stranger Things (Part III) I'd also like to leave a few images below to chew on in light of the last Noahide laws posts I made. Kabbalah is Jewish mysticism and the Talmud contains just that....
Talmudic Noahide Laws (Biltz Rebuttal) – Steve & Jana Chat
* UPDATED 4/13/19...REBUTTAL OF DR.BROWN MOCKING THOSE WHO TELL THE TRUTH ABOUT NOAHIDE LAWS * I really don't want to keep posting on the Noahide Laws in hopes that people will look into them on their own BUT, I had to share one more video on this. There is a grave...
More on…Beware Of The Noahide Laws
Here are a few more videos worth your time in finding out more about the Noahide Laws and what it may portend. I think it would bode well for all to get to know more about this in case it does in fact end up being the world system during the Tribulation. I...
Beware Of The Noahide Laws
Ok...This is a difficult one for me and I have had some gut wrenching days looking into this and learning more and more disturbing things of it each day that I do. The deception of the Noahide Laws. I have no words. I decided to just present the information for...
The Fig Tree Fell…What Does That Mean For America And Israel?
My friend Marty B. shared this story yesterday and his summation of what he saw in the symbolism or sign of it: After more than 140 years, a massive fig tree gracing the plaza where Los Angeles was founded collapses THIS is a HUGE End Times SIGN!! On March 2,...
Passover / Purim High Watch Time
The watching community are focusing on a high watch time for this month of March on the 20th through the 22nd. I'm actually tacking on until April after the Israeli elections and the set time that they have to reveal the Trump / Kushner "Deal of The Century"...