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The RAPTURE: The Deal Of The Century About To Be Revealed And Its Timing
Here is the latest from Jaco at God's Roadmap. He has an update about the peace deal. Please visit his YouTube site for other videos on this coming "peace deal". I also include a couple of links for you to visit as well. One by Brad at Revelation 12 Daily and...
One Young Woman’s Incredible Yet Urgent Vision of Jesus’ Return
One Young Woman's Incredible Yet Urgent Vision of Jesus' Return November 7, 2018 By: Shelia D. Hughey The Word of God says that young men have visions and old men have dreams. I was a young girl when I had a vision from God. I was 13 years old when it happened...
White House Prepares To Roll Out Peace Plan Next Week
Huge potential here as far as timing goes with this "peace deal of the century" news. STAY AWAKE and keep watch! The rapture is close! Jesus will be coming back soon. Deception is the rule of the day now. People having flawed thoughts and behaving as if it is...
Painting of Jesus miraculously survives inferno at historic Massachusetts church. An Alert Here?
So today I caught this news and all the symbolism just jumped out at me. Take it or leave it. However, since this news hit mainstream very quickly, it just makes me wonder. Is it a hint and yet another warning of how close we are to the rapture and the beginning of...
The Creator’s Name Speaks!
Yes, the creator's name speaks. Even before Jesus was born into this world to be our sacrificial lamb he was hinted to in the very name. Behold, nail, behold, hand. Jesus was crucified so that we could be saved from the enemy's deception. Please check out all...
The Evil In The World Today Is Preparing Us For The Rapture
VERY powerful update from Pastor JD Farag!! Do yourself a favor and listen to it to the end!! It is a MUST MUST HEAR!! Starting out at the very start of this is extremely informative of what is going on now and most especially the events surrounding the...
Potential Sign of the Dragon?
Revelation 12:3-4 3 And another sign appeared in heaven: behold, a great red dragon, with seven heads and ten horns, and on his heads seven diadems. 4 His tail swept down a third of the stars of heaven and cast them to the earth. And the dragon stood before the...
But Wait, There’s More!
***BONUS ADDED 9/21/18*** Here are two videos to add for consideration on the heels of and a contrast to Scottie's new one. These are just for thinking about as possibilities. Not as absolutes. These things as all things should be prayed about and used for...
When These Things Begin to Happen, Then Look Up, Lift Up Your heads; For Your Redemption Is Near!
VERY important Prophecy update by Pastor JD for those who haven't seen it. It is only 36mins long. Don't be caught unaware. We need to be awake and aware of just how close we are to the beginning of the 7 year Tribulation and how much more closer to the Rapture of the...
Feast Of Trumpets 2018…October Surprise?
Scottie's new video for consideration... How does one go about finding the true fall feast days? Is the answer in the Bible and in the stars? Why are the Orthodox Jewish calendars all wrong? How To Get To Heaven