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Huh? What’s a Pentecost?
~ Song of Solomon 2:9-13 ~ 9 My beloved is like a gazelle or a young stag. Behold, he stands behind our wall; He is looking through the windows, Gazing through the lattice. 10 My beloved spoke, and said to me: “Rise up, my love, my fair one, And come away. 11 For lo,...
Consarnit another video to disCERN about CERN
I know, CERN again but, this is one of those end times things that people really need to WAKE UP and get a full grasp of so, I bring to you yet another good video about CERN....Time is running out...Don't put off Jesus' free offer to be saved by his sacrifice for...
Didja know this yet? I, petgoat II: CERN as a Portal
*** UPDATED APRIL 15, 2019..THE DAY NOTRE DAME WAS BURNED DOWN..SCROLL TO BOTTOM FOR MORE ON: I, PET GOAT II *** If you haven't heard of Cris Putnam yet then here is a start. He is co author with Tom Horn of some very important books of our time. Besides the most...
Important Books worth having
I'm posting a video below that was put out today by Skywatch TV. It's about Tom Horn's and Cris Putnam's new book, On The Path of The Immortals. Along with that new book they are including about 6 others in a package deal for only $40...The books in the offer such as...
Coming chaos by those who would have the New World Order…Time to make your choice
*** UPDATED 6/5/24 WITH AN EXCELLENT NUTSHELL VIDEO *** We are on borrowed time. They are working hard to set up the Antichrist kingdom. All they need now is the right kind of chaos to get order out of. The Watchtower 6/4/24: The Luciferian Power Pyramid...
ConCERNing things about CERN (<~see what I did there?)
Before we get started, let us remember the basics of all things..... Colossians 1:15-20 ~ JESUS... ....is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. 16 For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible,...
Neo, wake up! We Really DO live in The Matrix! What does CERN have to do with it?
*** FYI: One of my very first blog posts that lost a ton of information over time with deleted videos etc. I repaired it the best I could. *** I have been studying further into this CERN thing and how it relates to the end times. In my studies I have been listening to...
Here we go AGAIN…..
THANK YOU Gary Stearman! Below is a link to an article written by Mr. Stearman describing the difference in the "Falling Away" and the Pre-Trib Rapture...I'm getting so tired of having to clarify and defend the Pre-trib rapture...It is not a salvation issue (believing...
Killing Jesus….What’s that all about?
The video clip below is ACTUALLY telling the truth and RIGHTLY revealing the word as we are supposed to do... I will not be seeing this film. I knew that from the very first clip of what came out of O'Reilly's mouth and the final blow was not using the word Christ...
Break on Through To the Other Side…CERN and its Opera
SYMMETRY - CERN dance-opera film (official trailer) This post is about CERN and the opera they did for it called "Symmetry" with comments by my friend and brother in Christ, David Roche, below. We were having a discussion on the CERN opera and the meaning...