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11/11, 11:11, Portals and Rapture? Hmmm, that’s interesting!
I am sharing another article by my brother in Christ, Bill Allen. Very timely. I found it interesting and worth sharing with you. Please, keep in mind that he is just thinking out loud and trying to put pieces together about timing based off of the Fig Tree generation...
Black Goo and The Beast communication system used in people?
*** UPDATED 11/9/21 BONUS LINKS ADDED BELOW *** Today I am sharing a short write up my brother in Christ wrote today. He makes some very valid points. While I do not think these jabs are the Mark of The Beast just yet, they are the precursor for it and the...
Did the Pre-Trib Rapture Doctrine Begin With John Darby?
*** UPDATED VIDEO ADDED 11/2/21 UNDER THE FIRST VIDEO BELOW *** Did the Pre-Trib Rapture Doctrine Begin With John Darby? Short answer: NO, but the first video below is a good half hour with more info and ENCOURAGEMENT. In the Relevant Links section below I also...
They Exchanged THE TRUTH About God For a Lie and Worshiped and Served the Creature Rather Than the Creator!
What just happened yesterday and is going on through November 12, 2021? This: The 26th UN Climate Change Conference. What does it mean? Well, the same ole thing it has always meant. The setting the stage for the Antichrist Beast global government that will be...
Fellow Americans, Have You Been Paying Attention To This? Beast System Rising.
UPDATE ADDED 11/14/21 IN RELEVANT LINKS SECTION BELOW Have you been paying attention to this? (10min video) This is all part of the one world government Beast system that will be operating during the 7 year Tribulation. It includes the human race to be under not only...
High watch time chat with Tyler and Bro Chooch From TOL (Tabernacles and Onward)
Below are some more encouraging videos for our high watch times for the coming weeks and months. The first is Tyler from Generation2434 chatting with Bro Chooch from TOL. Tyler has the video set to where you can not share it in the blog so you have to click on the...
Wait for his Son from heaven, whom he raised from the dead, Jesus who delivers us from the wrath to come. (1 Thessalonians 1:10)
So, I spent most of the day yesterday watching over this little one. Our yard has a ton of lizards as well as other wildlife including butterflies. We planted some butterfly bushes and they just love them. Anyway, we had a chrysalis hanging on our chain link fence for...
Saying It Again….“So, Could You Not Watch With Me One Hour?”
*** UPDATE ADDED 10/13/21 SCROLL DOWN *** Remember what I said in the last post? "What happens if this high watch passes and we were not raptured? We still watch! We trust the Lord and we still watch!". Another watch passed and we are still here. Are we still in the...
Absolutely Spot On! A Must See Video!
*** UPDATE ADDED 9/21/21 UNDER VIDEO *** Just finished listening to Pastor Brandon Holthaus from Rock Harbor Church and he was absolutely correct in his prophecy update this week! Please take the time to watch this one below. There are many Christians who are...
Time of Jacob’s (Israel’s) Trouble and Figs Start to Ripen After The Rapture
They have it (the land) and now the time of Jacob's (Israel's) Trouble or The Tribulation is approaching. This is the time that God will be dealing with Israel to bring them back to him and for them to finally recognize that JESUS is THE messiah that they have longed...