Super short blog post for FYI. I know most already realize this by now but, this was a good post with some good videos in it for those who have not heard or seen them before. Our focus is on Jesus coming for his church and for what he has in store for the future but...
Search Results
Fallen Angels, UFOs, Aliens, Demons and The New World Order
Here are a few excellent videos and links on the subject in the title ^. We are at a very critical time now. I am sure the pushing of the agenda of the enemy of Jesus that leads people to believe that aliens from outer space seeded us here on Earth and are our ancient...
Coming chaos by those who would have the New World Order…Time to make your choice
*** UPDATED 6/5/24 WITH AN EXCELLENT NUTSHELL VIDEO *** We are on borrowed time. They are working hard to set up the Antichrist kingdom. All they need now is the right kind of chaos to get order out of. The Watchtower 6/4/24: The Luciferian Power Pyramid...
It’s The New Year, 2024…
It's the new year (2024). And, the world continues to be set up for the Antichrist one world Beast government that will rule in the Tribulation. It is actually ready to go now. It really only needs a big major chaotic event to get it going. Still, I pray that people...
The Queen Died…About the New King…Should We Be Concerned?
*** UPDATED LINK ADDED BELOW *** Here is what you need to know about it...TODAY is the BEST day for your salvation! They are getting ready and you are FAST running out of time to call on Jesus to save you BEFORE this fully begins!! Should We Be Concerned?...
World War 3 On The Horizon. Bombs Fall Down We Go Up?
People should be paying close attention to this news about Russia, China, and Iran and praying. Most especially thinking about your salvation in Jesus. This is fast looking like WW3 is closer to beginning as well as the battles it will lead into that are prophesied in...
False One World Beast System Religion Rising
*** UPDATE ADDED 3/9/21...SCROLL DOWN *** The children gather wood, the fathers kindle fire, and the women knead dough, to make cakes for the queen of heaven. And they pour out drink offerings to other gods, to provoke me to anger. ~ Jeremiah 7:18 The "Queen of...
One World Antichrist Beast System Rising Quickly
Here is just a short blog post today with extra information on the fast rising Beast System that the Lord forewarned us about in his word via the Bible. He has given years and years and years of warnings to this whole Earth so that no one is without excuse if they...
Order out of chaos. Christians Will Be To Blame, Just As It Was In Rome. Re:set Is Upon Us…
What has been done is what will be done again. There is nothing new under the sun (Ecclesiastes 1:9)...America is the modern day Rome in what I see could be the coming scenario...They will blame the Christians for it falling. They will blame the Christians for any war...
A Warning?? The World Will Know By September 2020! By: Lyn Melvin
I feel I need to share this in light of all the information about a possible Nibiru / Planet X approach and the havoc the debris field COULD cause. I have been sitting on this because it could cause fear and I didn't want to stress anyone out any further after Pastor...
What in the world is actually going on? Document reveals plans, step by step.
*** UPDATE ADDED 5/13/22 SCROLL DOWN *** Two videos that show some of the...Illuminati playing cards (Vid1) / Vid2- Wiki link info: Illuminati (game) Watch it....REALLY watch it and think....When Jesus returns (after the Tribulation) he will end the beast system....
Is Syria Our New 9/11?
Are Christians being set up to take a fall? Is Syria our new 9/11 and Trump our new Bush? I'd love to believe that Trump is the outsider bucking the system and maybe, in the end, it will shape up that he was but....and I'll just leave it at that. Time will let...
Trump And A Flying Fig Newton
I keep on seeing a lot of abuse by fellow believers on other fellow believers who can see why Trump winning the US election may be God's will leading into these end times. It's seriously getting tediously tiresome. I would agree that people do not need to be idolizing...
On The Verge of World War Three…The Clock Is Ticking
Since I am more geared to the supernatural, fallen angel and "sciencey" things of the End Times I am going to post a few writings and posts by others who have a better handle of the things going on in the Middle East and the wars leading up to the beginning of the...
Encouragement As We Watch The World Approach The Tribulation
I'm going to "comfort one another" with another SPOT ON article by Pete Garcia at Omega Letter shared below. I'd like to add that if anyone is "reporting" that there is NO Rapture, that it is a lie or a myth then, I can tell you that person has not studied the Bible...
False Prophet Makes A New Encyclical. Shocker, It Pushes Global Government
*** UPDATED 10/6/23 WITH A SHORT 9 MIN UPDATED REPORT OF THE NEW ENCYCLICAL *** Romans 1:22-25 22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, 23 And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds,...
What is The New Age & Age of Aquarius? The Truth?!
We'll start here with an awesome site and article. This website is full of information: AMOS 37 Click below image for the article about New Age. ** AQUARIUS: The Age Of Evil ** Next up is another excellent post by Christian (Laura Maxwell) who has come out of...
The Office Pam Beesly GIFfrom The Office GIFs Yup! It's still being set up right before your eyes. Just as God FORE-told about in his word. TODAY is the best day for salvation. ⌛ See this for a little background and then watch the videos: Does the Bible...
Are you AAOx4? (Awake, Alert and Oriented times 4)
One if many who I follow is Tony at A Minute to Midnight. I've shared his videos and links before. Today he shared this article below and I thought it was pretty good so I'm sharing it as well. It's a bit long but worth the time. Check it out... Are you...
Now Approaching The: No One Can Buy Or Sell Unless He Has The Mark Of The Beast.
The links below speak for themselves. There is a global currency coming in the Tribulation that will require a mark. All markets will need to comply. More stage setting. It may take another year or so or not. Maybe it happens this year? We can't know the exact timing...
The Davos 2023 Agenda. Antichrist Beast System Set Up Continues.
Nothing to see here...Just more of the same setting up for the near future Beast system global government reigned over by the Antichrist....Carry on and pretend it's not happening because it did not happen overnight....Yet, that is... 1 Thessalonians 5:2-4 For...
I'm sharing this new video by Ricardo Garcia. I just really think that Ricardo makes a lot of sense here. Not only do I think his calendar makes sense, I also agree with his thoughts about the New World Order etc. This July wheat harvest time also matches the Fruit...
“We will become gods” ~ Yuval Noah Harari … “You will not surely die. For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God” ~ Satan (Gen.3:4-5)
Yuval Noah Harari, lead advisor to Klaus Schwab....Strongly deceived and carries the spirit of ANTI-Christ around with him. Lover of self and thinking that he can alter God's creation of mankind by merging humans with AI to make God's image bearers "better". Anyone...
This Blog Has Been Sharing About The NWO Since 2015. It is No Longer Being Hid!
*** UPDATE ADDED 4/27/22...SCROLL DOWN *** I'd say pretty darn close now!! And to add to what you are about to read below, the powers that be have been meeting and talking of the merging religions, we have Isaiah 17, Ezekiel 38-39 and WW3 on the horizon, and they are...
More Events That SHOULD Make Us Realize That These ARE The Last Days. If Anyone Has An Ear, Let Him HEAR and Eyes, Let Him See!
I have been taking a much needed break lately but still watching. I have been burned out and weary. I know the rapture is going to happen SOON but, it can be exhausting watching it all being set up before our eyes for the last several years. I started my blog back in...
The Great Narrative and The Metaverse
Daniel 7:23-25 ...there shall be a fourth kingdom on earth, which shall be different from all the kingdoms,and it shall devour the whole earth, and trample it down, and break it to pieces. As for the ten horns, out of this kingdom ten kings shall arise, and...
11/11, 11:11, Portals and Rapture? Hmmm, that’s interesting!
I am sharing another article by my brother in Christ, Bill Allen. Very timely. I found it interesting and worth sharing with you. Please, keep in mind that he is just thinking out loud and trying to put pieces together about timing based off of the Fig Tree generation...
Black Goo and The Beast communication system used in people?
*** UPDATED 11/9/21 BONUS LINKS ADDED BELOW *** Today I am sharing a short write up my brother in Christ wrote today. He makes some very valid points. While I do not think these jabs are the Mark of The Beast just yet, they are the precursor for it and the...
They Exchanged THE TRUTH About God For a Lie and Worshiped and Served the Creature Rather Than the Creator!
What just happened yesterday and is going on through November 12, 2021? This: The 26th UN Climate Change Conference. What does it mean? Well, the same ole thing it has always meant. The setting the stage for the Antichrist Beast global government that will be...
Fellow Americans, Have You Been Paying Attention To This? Beast System Rising.
UPDATE ADDED 11/14/21 IN RELEVANT LINKS SECTION BELOW Have you been paying attention to this? (10min video) This is all part of the one world government Beast system that will be operating during the 7 year Tribulation. It includes the human race to be under not only...