“They Live”! Piped The Piper.

If you were a kid or teenager in the 80’s you most probably know who Rowdy Roddy Piper is. If you are a truther, Christian or other wise, you most probably know who he is because of the cult classic film “They Live” from 1988. Sadly, he passed away...

Who’s Down With TPP? Yeah, Not Me

  But while we were distracted by devised and designed race wars to continue to divide and conquer the united (PS: Besides the Confederate flag, In the future The United States Flag will be next and most likely replaced with a Global flag but, I digress):  ...

Getting closer and closer now…

With all the end of days type events going on in the world now it is enough to make your head spin…I have had a difficult time thinking about what to write about or focus on because there is just too much going on and so many others who are more qualified in...
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