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A Bit More on The Eclipse – Signs in the Heavens and CERN

A Bit More on The Eclipse – Signs in the Heavens and CERN

*** UPDATE ADDED SHORT 11 MIN VIDEO & 16 MIN VIDEO (added on 4/2/24)...SCROLL BELOW *** Just wanted to add a few more tid bits about what else is going on during the April 8th 2nd Great American eclipse. Below I include an article by Terry James and a couple more...

Is CERN Ready To Tear The Veil?

Is CERN Ready To Tear The Veil?

Only time will tell of course but, in my opinion, Anthony Patch makes a strong argument for it. If you have followed him, other posts, interviews and, articles about the subject it appears to be yes. Check out the latest on CERN by Anthony Patch and Kris from End...

For My CERN Watchers!!

For My CERN Watchers!!

This interview of Anthony Patch is only 50mins long and it has some wowie things in it that I had not heard before. Anthony also offers an alternate explanation for the sounds heard around the world to consider. The interview is done by Daniel Holdings at Prepare The...

CERN Update via Anthony Patch on Kev Baker Show

CERN Update via Anthony Patch on Kev Baker Show

***UPDATE 11-16-15..SCROLL BELOW..IT'S UNDER THE BONUS VIDEO AT THE BOTTOM*** Below is a post by Kev Baker from The Kev Baker Show about CERN. On a side note, I always think about The Economist Magazine cover for 2015 where it shows Alice at the bottom looking up and...



Often times things will hit the main stream for a specific reason that the Lord would have people to see and think deeply about. I do believe this story of 7 year old Micah is one of those. I hesitated to share it because I am so tired of God being blamed for every...

The Return of the gods! Part 1: Who is Tammuz? This ancient mystery will blow your mind!

The Return of the gods! Part 1: Who is Tammuz? This ancient mystery will blow your mind!

  At first I was thinking oh I know about this but I'll listen as a refresher since I bought the book. Then, Todd​ took it to the next level in his studies about it all! Well worth the time if you dig into these matters. Notice this is a Part 1 so be on the look...

The Dragon & The Lie – Pete Garcia and Generation2434

The Dragon & The Lie – Pete Garcia and Generation2434

You should listen to at least some of this video if not all....Most all of the topics shared in their discussion has been shared at my blog since 2015. Just type in whatever you are curious about in the search bar and the articles with links will pop up. Quantum,...

New Wine Rapture…Tu B’Av Rapture?

New Wine Rapture…Tu B’Av Rapture?

**FANTASTICLE!! SCROLL BELOW TO SEE TYLER'S @ GENERATION 2434 VIDEO!!!** Well I was going to just leave it alone and not post another blog post because I thought that my last one on the August watch was sufficient. HOWEVER, these two videos match up so perfectly along...

Tish B’Av Rapture Connection?

Tish B’Av Rapture Connection?

I have not felt led to post as often these days. I think I pretty much have said all that needs to be said about this being the end times and how the one world Beast System government is being set up before our eyes. We are just so close to the rapture now. We all...



I'm sharing this new video by Ricardo Garcia. I just really think that Ricardo makes a lot of sense here. Not only do I think his calendar makes sense, I also agree with his thoughts about the New World Order etc. This July wheat harvest time also matches the Fruit...

Pentecost in July?? Reason to continue the watch from June until July now!

Pentecost in July?? Reason to continue the watch from June until July now!

I know most people know the phrase "Marcia, Marcia, Marcia" well, I'm starting this post off with "Calendars, Calendars, Calendars!". I am the first to tell you that all the calendar issues just throw me through a loop! It gets so confusing and since I have a math...

“We will become gods” ~ Yuval Noah Harari … “You will not surely die. For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God” ~ Satan (Gen.3:4-5)

“We will become gods” ~ Yuval Noah Harari … “You will not surely die. For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God” ~ Satan (Gen.3:4-5)

Yuval Noah Harari, lead advisor to Klaus Schwab....Strongly deceived and carries the spirit of ANTI-Christ around with him. Lover of self and thinking that he can alter God's creation of mankind by merging humans with AI to make God's image bearers "better". Anyone...

This is for those who are still refusing to accept Jesus as your savior right now.

This is for those who are still refusing to accept Jesus as your savior right now.

This is for those who are still refusing to accept Jesus as your savior right now. Those who are refusing to allow him to bless you, not only for your eternal life but, also in your day to day life on this Earth. This is for those who are still refusing to take him at...

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