Dr. David Reagan Decodes the MIDDLE EAST CRISIS

*** TRUTH!!! 👇👇👇***   Dr. David Reagan Decodes the MIDDLE EAST CRISIS {Video is ONLY 38 mins long!} What exactly is going on between Israel and Hamas from a biblical perspective? Find out with Dr. David Reagan as he preaches at Brookhaven Church in McKinney,...

Things You Should Know In Relation To Israel Being At War

Two videos with valuable information that you need to know if you did not already. For those who would like actual facts and truth here they are below….   WAR in ISRAEL! | Hosts: Tim Moore & Nathan Jones (ONLY 28 mins long}   The Two-Minute Warning...

Israel, Bible Prophecy & the Coming Apocalypse @ (R$E)

*** UPDATE ADDED BELOW … VIDEO INTERVIEW WITH BILL SALUS *** This was an excellent discussion in the video I share below! Please take the time to listen. It’s only about an hour long. ALL of these events of the day have been prophesied in God’s word...

2023: EVERYTHING You Think You Know Is about to Change {Via The Unsealed site}

The video below is ONLY 17 mins long. Please watch it and visit the links right below. Better yet, go to the Unsealed site for a lot more! The United Nations met to confirm a covenant (Agenda 2030) for a period of seven years, and then weeks later the Middle East...

Israel is at War…October 7th 2023…Rapture and The Time of Jacob’s Trouble is on the Horizon

Pray for Israel!! Also, KEEP WATCH and LOOK UP….What happens as a result of this attack against Israel will tell us how close the rapture is and if this is in fact the time of Jacob’s (Israel’s) Trouble beginning. I will be sharing several videos...

Biblical Convergence!

*** Part 2 added on 9/28/22 scroll below *** This video done last night matches my post I made yesterday. Worth the watch! Also, very encouraging! Don’t forget to subscribe to Tyler’s channel: Generation2434  and Bro Chooch’s channel: TOL End Times...

These Are The Days To Realize That It IS About To Happen! Call On Jesus For Your Salvation!

I’d like to start off this post by saying the phrase I use all the time and on social media. TODAY is the BEST day for your salvation because you are FAST running out of time to call on Jesus to save you BEFORE it begins!! I’m starting off this way because...

Tish B’Av Rapture Connection?

I have not felt led to post as often these days. I think I pretty much have said all that needs to be said about this being the end times and how the one world Beast System government is being set up before our eyes. We are just so close to the rapture now. We all...

Yes, Yes, and then also Yes Again! I totally agree with him in this.

I realize I have not posted in awhile. I have taken a much needed break. However, I am not sure how much more I could say or post about. The one world global beast system government prophesied about is being set in motion as i type this, the one world religion is in...

This is for those who are still refusing to accept Jesus as your savior right now.

This is for those who are still refusing to accept Jesus as your savior right now. Those who are refusing to allow him to bless you, not only for your eternal life but, also in your day to day life on this Earth. This is for those who are still refusing to take him at...


** See interesting news update added 3/1/22 added right below ** This video below by Todd Adkins needs to be watched! You have GOT to hear it! I was introduced to David Lowe’s books by my friend Andria and then by Todd himself during a few conversations with...

2023 END-TIMES PROPHECY (70th Week of Daniel Revealed)…Pluto and More…

I am sharing some intriguing videos below. C.J. Lovik has a new one out and I share a couple of dream ones as well. I have to ask, if the Tribulation does begin one of these coming years in the fall, then how much closer is the rapture??? I’d say pretty darn...

Saying It Again….“So, Could You Not Watch With Me One Hour?”

*** UPDATE ADDED 10/13/21 SCROLL DOWN *** Remember what I said in the last post? “What happens if this high watch passes and we were not raptured? We still watch! We trust the Lord and we still watch!”. Another watch passed and we are still here. Are we...

Israel Turns 73 And All Hell Breaks Loose. 2021 Is A Pivotal Time As Far As Fig Tree Generation Goes. Be On Watch!

UPDATE ADDED AT BOTTOM Matthew 24:32-34 Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When his branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is nigh: So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors. Verily I say...
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