Just A Few Headlines On The Heels of the 4th Blood Moon

Sep 30, 2015 | Blood Moons, End Times, Ezekiel 38-39, Isaiah 17, Israel, Shemittah


Breaking News….

All this news adds up and is connected….This could escalate very quickly and, if so then, it can lead to Isaiah 17 (Damascus totally destroyed) and straight on into Ezekiel 38-39 (Russia-Iran and allies against Israel) battle of the end times…Imagine that right on the heels of the 4th blood moon too….Keep your eyes open and make sure you are SAVED and have accepted Jesus because, IF it does escalate then, the rest of the end time events will soon afterwards…..


  1. Russian military forces start airstrikes in Syria

    The Russian Air Force has begun carrying out airstrikes against Islamic State targets in Syria, the country’s Defense Ministry said. “In accordance with the decision of the Supreme Commander of the Russian Armed Forces, Vladimir Putin, warplanes of the Russian Air Space Forces today [Wednesday] have started an aerial operation, involving pinpoint strikes on ground targets of Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) terrorists in Syria,” spokesperson for the Russian Defense Ministry, Igor Konashenkov, said….MORE AT THE HIGHLIGHTED LINK ABOVE

  2. First US-Russian air clash builds up as Moscow orders US planes to exit Syrian air space

    A day after the White House said that “clarity” on Russian intentions in Syria had been achieved at the Obama-Putin summit in New York, the Russian President Vladimir Putin notched up the military tensions around Syria Wednesday, Sept. 30. A senior US official said that Russian diplomats had sent an official demarche ordering US planes to quit Syria, adding that Russian fighter jets were now flying over Syrian territory. US military sources told Fox News that US planes would not comply with the Russian demand.

    “There is nothing to indicate that we are changing operations over Syria,” a senior defense official said….MORE AT THE HIGHLIGHTED LINK ABOVE

  3. Putin warns Israel off targeting Iranian targets in Syria

    This could get out of hand very quickly; from Debka:
    “The message the Russian president issued, straight after his meeting with Obama, was that Moscow would not put up with Israeli strikes in Syria, even in response to an attack.

    This comment and the events leading up to it raise four questions:
    1. Why did Putin take the trouble to respond in person to a trivial incident like a cross-border exchange of fire on the Golan directly after his highly-important talks with Obama?

    2. Why was he so concerned by this incident? It occurred just a week after the Russian president and Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu had agreed in Moscow to set up a coordination mechanism to prevent clashes between IDF and Russian forces. And in any case Russian forces were not involved.

    3. What was behind statement issued by Israel’s Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon after the incident, in which he stressed with unusual emphasis Israel’s zero tolerance of Syrian rocket infractions of its sovereignty?

    4. The two highly-charged statements were obviously occasioned by much more than errant cross-border fire from the Syrian side of the Golan.”  …. MORE AT HIGHLIGHTED LINK ABOVE

  4.  Syria: – The Chinese will be arriving in the coming weeks

    China will be helping out the Syrian government in the fight against Islamic State (ISIS) by sending “military advisers,” media reports have claimed.

    “The Chinese will be arriving in the coming weeks,” a Syrian army official told the Lebanon-based news website Al-Masdar Al-‘Arabi.

    The report claims that a Chinese naval vessel is on its way to Syria with dozens of “military advisers” on board. They will reportedly be followed by troops.

    The Chinese army, the biggest in the world -known as the People’s Liberation Army -count for 2.3 million soldiers.

    The ship is said to have passed the Suez Canal in Egypt and be making its way through the Mediterranean Sea.

    According to the website, the advisers will be joining Russian personnel in the Latakia region.

    Meanwhile, an Israeli military news website, DEBKAfile, has cited military sources as saying that a Chinese aircraft carrier, the Liaoning-CV-16, has already been spotted at the Syrian port of Tartus on the Mediterranean coast. It was said to be accompanied by a guided missile cruiser…..MORE AT THE HIGHLIGHTED LINK ABOVE

  5. Netanyahu to Tell UN: Enough Muslim Incitement over Temple Mount

    PRIME Minister Binyamin Netanyahu will leave for the U.S. on Tuesday, in advance of his expected appearance at the UN Thursday

    Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu will leave for the U.S. on Tuesday, in advance of his expected appearance at the United Nations General Assembly Thursday. In his speech, Netanyahu is expected to discuss the dangers of the U.S.-Iran detente and the agreement between Tehran and Western powers that allows Iran to develop its nuclear program.

    Netanyahu, sources close to the Prime Minister said, is expected to present the misgivings Israelis have over the agreement, and to tell the international community what Israel expects in the wake of the agreement. Netanyahu is still said to be working on the speech, which, the sources said, would be “very powerful.”…MORE AT THE HIGHLIGHTED LINK ABOVE

  6. ‘Israel Concerned With Build-Up Of Iranian Forces In Syria Near Golan Border’

    LIKUD Minister Steinitz says Israel will make it clear to US, Russia and other world powers that Iranian forces must not be allowed to mass on Israel’s border

    Israel is concerned with the build-up of Iranian forces in Syria, near the border with Israel, National Infrastructure, Energy and Water Minister Yuval Steinitz (Likud) said in an interview with Army Radio on Tuesday.

    Steinitz’s comments came amid the recent addition of Russian troops to Syria to bolster President Bashar Assad in his fight against Islamic State and other rebel groups challenging his rule in Syria. However, the Likud minister was more concerned with the infusion of troops from Assad’s other central backer, Iran.

    “Nobody wants to see Russian forces in the area of the Golan Heights, but we definitely don’t want to see Iranian forces near Israel,” Steinitz told Army Radio.

    Steinitz, speaking as Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was en route to New York to address the United Nations General Assembly on Thursday, said that Israel would clarify Israel’s concerns regarding Iranian forces in Syria in discussions with the relevant parties….MORE AT THE HIGHLIGHTED LINK ABOVE

  7. Mahmoud Abbas, Palestinian Authority President, Says He’s No Longer Bound by Oslo Accords

    Demonstrating a new level of tension with Israel, President Mahmoud Abbas of the Palestinian Authority declared Wednesday that it was no longer bound by the Oslo Accords that formed the basis for a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

    In his annual General Assembly speech, Mr. Abbas accused Israel of having violated the accords and subsequent agreements. He asserted that there was no reason the Palestinians should remain faithful to them as long as the Israelis were not.

    “We cannot continue to be bound by these signed agreements with Israel and Israel must assume fully all its responsibility as an occupying power,” Mr. Abbas said.

    There had been speculation fed by Mr. Abbas’s aides that he would drop a “bombshell” announcement during his speech. While the announcement sounded serious, the practical effects were not immediately clear….MORE AT THE HIGHLIGHTED LINK ABOVE

  8. Palestinian flag raised at United Nations headquarters

    The Palestinian flag has been raised for the first time at United Nations headquarters in New York. The ceremony was attended by the President of the Palestinian Authority Mahmoud Abbas. Addressing the UN General Assembly, Mr Abbas said it was unconscionable that the question of Palestinian statehood remained unresolved…MORE AT THE HIGHLIGHTED LINK ABOVE AND READ THIS BLOG POST

  9. Also….Did the United Nations Just Introduce a New World Order?

    Have you heard of “the global goals”? If you haven’t heard of them by now, rest assured that you will be hearing plenty about them in the days ahead. On September 25th, the United Nations launched a set of 17 ambitious goals that it plans to achieve over the next 15 years. A new website to promote this plan has been established, and you can find it right here. The formal name of this new plan is “the 2030 Agenda“, but those behind it decided that they needed something catchier when promoting these ideas to the general population. The U.N. has stated that these new “global goals” represent a “new universal Agenda” for humanity. Virtually every nation on the planet has willingly signed on to this new agenda, and you are expected to participate whether you like it or not….MORE AT THE HIGHLIGHTED LINK ABOVE


    And We may want to pay close attention to the Stock Market today as September has a pretty ugly track record for investors and September has already suffered a hard hit already.


  1. Sept. 30 is historically the worst day of the year for stock-market investors

    September has been tough for stock investors. But if history is any guide, the last day of September may deliver one more blow to already battered markets, according to the financial blog Bespoke.

    Looking at data as far as 1945, the S&P 500 has posted positive returns just 38% on the last day of September, making it one of the worst trading days of the year, according to Bespoke…MORE AT THE HIGHLIGHTED LINK ABOVE

  2. World set for emerging market mass default, warns IMF
    Higher US interest rates will expose weaknesses in emerging market corporations which have gorged themselves on cheap debt, IMF warns

    The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has issued a double warning over higher US interest rates, which it said could trigger a wave of emerging market corporate defaults and panic in financial markets as liquidity evaporates.

    The IMF said corporate debts in emerging markets ballooned to $18 trillion (£12 trillion) last year, from $4 trillion in 2004 as companies gorged themselves on cheap debt.

    It said the quadrupling in debt had been accompanied by weaker balance sheets, making companies more vulnerable to US rate rises.

    “As advanced economies normalise monetary policy, emerging markets should prepare for an increase in corporate failures,” the IMF said in a pre-released chapter of its latest Financial Stability Report…MORE AT THE HIGHLIGHTED LINK ABOVE 

Then there is this:

“Hurricane Joaquin To Track Near East Coast, Could Cause Massive Flooding and the same time at the UN Headquarters in NY, Abbas declares the PA Authority is no longer committed to the 1994 Oslo Accords. and for the first time in history the Palestinian Flag is raised in New York at the UN Assembly.” ~ ETH

Hurricane Joaquin to Hammer US East Coast With Flooding, Strong Winds



Of interest where the Hurricane is concerned:

Tropical Storm “Joaquin” means “Lifted by Yahwey “

This tropical storm is on it’s way up the east coast this week… here is the wiki site explanation for the name:
Joaquín [xoaˈkin] or Joaquin is the Spanish language version of Joachim. It is a male name which finds its origin in Hebrew and literally means “lifted by Jahwe”. Jojakim (originally Eljakim) was a king of Judah in the Old Testament. His son was Jojachin. San Joaquín is the Spanish Language of the name of Saint Joachim, the traditional name for the father of Mary (mother of Jesus).

“Hurricane Joaquin To Track Near East Coast, Could Cause Massive Flooding and the same time at the UN Headquarters in NY, Abbas declares the PA Authority is no longer committed to the 1994 Oslo Accords. and for the first time in history the Palestinian Flag is raised in New York at the UN Assembly.

If this ends up in war then you can be assured they will be the battles spoken of in the Bible that lead into the Tribulation. The Antichrist will step on the scene to bring a false peace and the False Prophet will be there pushing the one world religion along with a one world government. See my other blogs on the New World Order as well…Keep watching the news and watching! It would appear to me that September is/did in deed lead to something big happening towards the End of Days. if I were not saved I would seriously repent and ask Jesus into my heart so that I could have peace and be under his protection and guidance. But that’s just me, or is it?


Here are a few sites that keep up with the End Time News of the day and they will be following breaking news as well:

Are We Living In The Last Days?

End Times Headlines

Now The End Begins

Tracking Bible Prophecy – Birth Pain Tracker


If you check out the Tracking Bible Prophecy link above they have info on the Ezekiel Battle of Gog-MaGog. And some of the best articles you can find by Bill Salus on Isaiah 17, Psalm 83 and also Ezekiel 38-39 (Gog-MaGog) are at this link: Article at Are We Living In The Last Days? and at Bill Salus’ own site


Video putting news together….

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