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Look up! December 21rst – 25th
Another encouraging video by George at The Return of the King. Please watch and enjoy for some hope still in 2020! Wouldn’t it be great to be raptured on the day we celebrate Christ’s birth? The best Christmas present ever! We’ll never know the day for sure,...
Encouragement for Watching December…Stunning Heavenly Signs and Patterns for the Rapture
Hebrews 10:35-39 Therefore do not throw away your confidence, which has a great reward. For you have need of endurance, so that when you have done the will of God you may receive what is promised. For, “Yet a little while, and the coming one will come and will not...
“Papers Please”…Beast System Rising
Please review the videos below to get a whiff of the short term world coming for all those who have rejected Jesus as their savior. I say short term of course because, we know that the final days before Jesus takes back what is his will only be 7 short years for these...
The Network The Mark And How They Work Together
I want to just share these short videos below for you to take into consideration. Now, it's my personal belief that we will not have to fret about this if in fact these vaccines do tie into or are affiliated with the mark of the beast. The church will not be here for...
Can’t you feel it??? Don’t you see it???
*** UPDATED ADDED BELOW *** {A post on the heels of the Presidential election in the US. I chose the above verse even though it is about Israel because it still applies and, as believers in Jesus, we are grafted in.} Can't you feel it??? Don't you see it??? Things are...
The Darkest Winter…“We’re about to go into a dark winter. A dark winter” Biden said.
On the heels of the election people are still in limbo as votes are counted. So far it appears that Biden will be the winner. BUT, in my opinion, there are two ways this could go. First, they could be stretching it out giving Biden voters false hope and at the very...
The Great Reset. Antichrist Beast System rising (Revelation 13)
***UPDATED ADDED 10/16/20..GUIDE TO THE GREAT RESET VIDEO*** The one world Beast System is rising and about to be fully implemented soon. After rapture and global chaos they will put their Antichrist leader at the head to run it along with the False Prophet. TODAY,...
Researchers At Large Hadron Collider Are Confident To Make Contact With Parallel Universe In Days
** UPDATE 10/15/20: This was an article from 2015. I have not been keeping up with CERN like I used to and did not even think to check their actual website until today for the up to date news that they share with the public. DUH. STILL, it's a good refresher to not...
2020 Rapture: Almost Home??? Be Encouraged!
UPDATED ADDED 10/4/20 BE ENCOURAGED!!!! By: George at The Return of the King Channel This video is for those of you who are watching and longing for His appearing. It's been a long road, and most of us are tired and weary. I spoke with God about this, I told Him I...
You Have Got To Get These Books!
This is just a VERY short little blog post to tell you about Todd Hampson's books. I have all three and I have bought and sent them out to family and friends. They are excellent and to the point. They break down each subject in an easy to learn and maintain the...