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Latest Blog Posts
This is just going to be a short and sweet post to say you really need to visit this site I'm sharing below daily from this point forward. Take a look at ALL of their articles and especially the work they have done about the Revelation 12 sign specifically. It is one...
Numbers That Are Getting My Attention
Excellent articles to consider by Daymond Duck below! Last week, my article was titled, “Words That Are Getting My Attention.” This week, I thought that I would write about numbers that are getting my attention. I have never had a desire to study the significance of...
See You In September…
** Note: click on feature pic above to hear the tune ** *** UPDATES on 8/31/23 ARE ADDED BELOW *** This is a newer updated version of the post I made back in 2015 when September was front and center as a watch time. Much speculation is surrounding September for some...
Excellent Must Read…The Coming UFO Disclosure
I read an excellent article today by one of my new favorite sites to visit. Unsealed! It is a must read as my title says above. Jeff at the Unsealed site included almost everything I had been thinking and what this blog alludes to on this topic in his post. He puts it...
Four Little Words, Puzzles, and The ABC’s
*** Click on each puzzle piece above to get to the scripture *** We were foretold of current events taking place by Jesus himself as well as God's inspiration given to each writer via the Bible. All the things going on that we...
Now Is The Time For Salvation…Great Stuff From The Week
Let us start with Scott Clarke's newest video for your consideration. Time will tell what this sign is leading to but one thing for sure is that it IS a sign in the heavens! And as the clock link and updates page from the people behind Ingenuity Films they confirm as...
Still The Greatest Story Ever Told
STILL The Greatest Story Ever Told by Jack Kinsella Omega Letter Good Friday is the day Christians commemorate the single most horrific event in human history -- the day that mankind turned on and murdered his Creator. But that murderous event was NOT the event that...
The Sky Don’t Lie…A MUST Read!
Just finished this excellently written article on the Revelation 12 sign that occurs on September 23, 2017. It is an awesome MUST read (especially the end part where, Greg Lauer from "A Little Strength", Breaks it down !!) I LOVED it but, that's just me, or is it? ;)...
Watching The Newest Events In These Last Days (The Syria Strikes)
I wanted to wait and see how the recent strikes in Syria via the US would unfold in the days to come before making a post but, I decided to post this quick one with a great short video in the interim. I can tell you that I am watching and waiting to see if this leads...
They’re Coming Baaaaack (CERN, Revelation 12, Black Cube Saturn Worship and More)
Just when you thought I had forgotten about CERN or at the least stopped thinking about it to post on. Wrong! Below is a recent interview of Anthony Patch and Douglas Woodward done by Derek Gilbert. a MUST SEE/LISTEN (only an hour long). Time is so short and this blog...