But That's Just Me

Thoughts On End Time Bible Prophecy

Dr. David Reagan Decodes the MIDDLE EAST CRISIS

*** TRUTH!!! 👇👇👇***   Dr. David Reagan Decodes the MIDDLE EAST CRISIS {Video is ONLY 38 mins long!} What exactly is going on between Israel and Hamas from a biblical perspective? Find out with Dr. David Reagan as he preaches at Brookhaven Church in McKinney,...

5 Things Science Cannot Explain (but Theism Can)

The Limits of Science and Danger of Scientism The heart of scientism is the conviction that science can explain virtually everything. If there is not a valid scientific explanation for an event or state, then that is not properly an object of our knowledge. In...


*** UPDATE ADDED 4/15/24 ...EXCELLENT VIDEO SCROLL BELOW *** Genesis 1:14-15 And God said, “Let there be lights in the expanse of the heavens to separate the day from the night. And let them be for SIGNS and for seasons, and for days and years, and let them be lights...

A Bit More on The Eclipse – Signs in the Heavens and CERN

*** UPDATE ADDED SHORT 11 MIN VIDEO & 16 MIN VIDEO (added on 4/2/24)...SCROLL BELOW *** Just wanted to add a few more tid bits about what else is going on during the April 8th 2nd Great American eclipse. Below I include an article by Terry James and a couple more...

Red Heifers and Preparation For Third Temple

I just wanted to share some key video discussions and some past blog post links in relation to the red Heifer situation. Key things are happening right now that should be paid attention to. Just more indicators of the last days and the prepping for the third temple...

Iriosal's Thoughts

Iriosal is a co-blogger and fellow watcher.

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The Book Of Enoch

The Book Of Enoch

I had forgotten about this website I used to visit a few years back until I was reminded of it today. It is The History of Israel website. It has several awesome articles you can check out when you go there but today I want to share a couple of links to their posts on...

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One of So Many of Satan’s Lies: Replacement Theology

One of So Many of Satan’s Lies: Replacement Theology

  Video above is only 14mins long... "The roots of Replacement Theology and its rotten fruit of Antisemitism date back to Christianity's infancy. Ironic when the Church formed by Christ were all of Israel . It was founded in Judea and all its founding documents...

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Paris Conference Nosedives! Five Significant Fails!

Paris Conference Nosedives! Five Significant Fails!

Psalm 2:1-6 ~ 1 Why do the nations rage and the peoples plot in vain? 2 The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the Lord and against his Anointed, saying, 3 “Let us burst their bonds apart and cast away their cords from...

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Waiting On What January 15th Brings For Israel and Us

Waiting On What January 15th Brings For Israel and Us

Psalm 2:1-6 1 Why do the nations rage and the peoples plot in vain? 2 The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the Lord and against his Anointed, saying, 3 “Let us burst their bonds apart and cast away their cords from us.”...

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Yes, Exactly!

Yes, Exactly!

This is almost exactly what I think about the UN decision made on December 23rd. Excellent video if you have not seen it yet....There are a few things I think a bit differently about but nothing that would be too far off. Just for example, I think Psalm 83 is most...

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Revelation 12 Sign, World War 3, Israel and Planet X

Revelation 12 Sign, World War 3, Israel and Planet X

This has drawn my attention now and I think is of great interest. I am sharing it for your consideration as well just so you know about it and can decide on your own what you think. So, I have assembled a few channels to watch in relation to my title above and the...

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