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The Winged Bull Of Nimrod And Part Of The Temple Of Baal Are Being Displayed In The Colosseum In Rome
And now we have this....They really are setting up shop before they come on the Earth again.... If you thought having "the harbinger of Baal" in New York City was bad, wait until you hear what they are doing in Rome. A reproduction of a winged bull from the ancient...
The Rapture
~ If you are already saved and know what the Rapture is or, you already know about it and regardless of when you think it occurs then, skip the first video and hit the 2nd or 3rd one first. ~ The Rapture and the Thief in the Night {The basics but videos below...
Close To Breaking The Seals Of The Title Deed?
NEWS OF POSSIBLE PROPHETIC IMPACT! I am sharing some video interviews of Dan Goodwin below that will explain just why the news in this blog could be prophetically important. However, there are so many calendars and so much confusion that we can't be dogmatic. God's...
Gary Wayne Nutshells It! Plus CERN via Revising Reality And More!!
As you know I thoroughly enjoyed and still re-visit Gary Wayne's book; Genesis 6 Conspiracy (See blog post on it HERE). He recently did a interview with Kev Baker at the Kev Baker Show so I thought I would share it. I don't always agree with everything on the Kev...
Living Behind Enemy Lines; Territory Temporarily Being Reigned Over By The Watcher gods?
Isaiah 5:20-21~ Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter! Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes, and shrewd in their own sight! I had been thinking more...
Stranger Things
A friend told my husband about a new Netflix series that he thought we would enjoy and find very fascinating. He was right, we sat down and watched it over the past weekend and enjoyed it. The series was "Stranger Things". It takes place in Hawkins Indiana in 1983. It...
Brotherhood Of Darkness, Iron Mountain, JFK and UFO’s
** UPDATED POST WITH AWESOME DOCUMENTARY..SCROLL BELOW ** Recently I re-visited the book Brotherhood of Darkness by Dr. Stanley Montieth. It's a book that I suggest people look into adding to your list of readings. It is small but jammed packed with some basic...
Timothy Alberino And The Unholy See
When Timothy discusses certain technologies that are opening portals in the interview below you can bet it is CERN and D Wave he is alluding to. CERN definitely ties into these discoveries and unveiling of some secrets that Timothy Alberino and Steve Quayle reveal in...
D wave, D Wave! CERN, More Mandela Effect, Quantum Computing and Pokemon?!?
While I have been away getting sun burn with family for a week (in other words, on vacation) I missed these CERN related videos and interview (two with Anthony Patch interviewed by Gonz & Basil at Canary Cry/Face Like The Sun) Sooooo, you may have already seen and...
CERN Is Now VHEeP And Code 923
Below is the latest interview of Anthony Patch about CERN done on the Kev Baker show (Only 49mins). Also, I have included End Times Matrix News's latest video on Code 923 as well (Only 28mins). They touch on CERN in it too. THEN......923 again? As always, use...