Revelation 12:3-4
3 And another sign appeared in heaven: behold, a great red dragon, with seven heads and ten horns, and on his heads seven diadems. 4 His tail swept down a third of the stars of heaven and cast them to the earth. And the dragon stood before the woman who was about to give birth, so that when she bore her child he might devour it.


Potential Sign of the Dragon? Possibly. Hey guys! I have been away and busy. I had family come for a visit and then I got a summer cold and just took some down time. This past week there have been some cool things posted to consider in our watch. Brad over at Revelation 12 Daily has an awesome article out and Gary over at Unsealed added a super cool bonus to it as well! I’ll share both links below for you to make sure and check out. The Draconid meter shower is again about to take place but this year a comet will be in the mix that may produce one spectacular show in the skies. It has the possibility of making it appear that hundreds of stars are being cast down to the Earth but, there is also a possibility that it will be same ole same ole. We just have to wait and see. I will be watching to see what unfolds if there are no clouds in my way. There always seems to be a cloudy day or rain when these things go on and I miss them every time. Praying I have a clear night.

But, all that aside, we know that the Lord God uses his sky to tell his story. He told it there way before it was written with pen and paper. Last year we had the Revelation 12 sign that drew our attention to the times we are living in and just how soon the rapture will be occurring. This year with the Draconids and this comet it may bring to life the symbology of when Satan and the fallen angels will be cast down to this Earth and locked out of Heaven and from God’s throne room. This does not mean we will absolutely be raptured this next week or month even. It also does not mean we won’t be either! It is imminent and we should just be expecting it any time now. If this is in fact the culmination of the Revelation 12 sign then, it could mean it is symbolic of the rest of the story. We see through a glass darkly. All things will be crystal clear when we are with Jesus but, for right now, what fun it is to speculate and search these things out with that child like expectation!! I have rambled on long enough. Now please enjoy these fantabulous (yes I like to make up words sometimes) links below. Just click on the image or titles….


Looking Ahead to the Potential Sign of the Dragon


The Dragon Fire Mystery


Annnnd a bonus Barry video to boot. Who doesn’t like a Barry video? As Keaton would say, Ameeeeen Brothers….Ameeeeeen Sisters…lol


May the Lord bless and keep you and make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you. And, if you have not accepted Jesus as your savior yet, may he soften your heart and open your minds to truth and may you be saved! {How To Get To Heaven}


Happy looking up to all my peoples!!



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