May 13, 2021 | Antichrist, But That's Just Me, Dispensationalism, End Times, Ezekiel 38-39, Feast days, Fig Tree Parable, Isaiah 17, Israel, Jerusalem, Jesus, Noahide Laws, NWO, One World Religion, Pentecost, Pre Tribulation Rapture, Prophecy, Rapture, Salvation, Tribulation
UPDATE ADDED AT BOTTOM Matthew 24:32-34 Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When his branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is nigh: So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors. Verily I say...
May 9, 2021 | Antichrist, But That's Just Me, Doctrines of Demons, End Times, End Times Spiritualism/Religion, Fallen Angel, False Prophet, Fig Tree Parable, God and Angels, Nibiru / Planet X, NWO, One World Religion, Pre Tribulation Rapture, Signs in the Sun Moon and Stars, Tribulation, UFOlogy
Just a short link share post. I have been taking a wee bit of a break from all things. I’m still watching very closely and expecting something big this year (maybe within the next 2 months) but, I needed a little time to just re-group. That said, if you do not...
Apr 28, 2021 | But That's Just Me, End Times, Fallen Angel, Mark of The Beast, NWO, One World Religion, Pre Tribulation Rapture, The Rona, Tribulation
*** UPDATED LINKS TO HELPFUL WEBSITES ADDED BELOW SCROLL DOWN *** I’m just going to say it. I’m tired. I’m tired of watching people make themselves sick out of fear. Tired of watching people run and get in line to have untested pharmakeia injected...
Apr 9, 2021 | But That's Just Me, Dreams / Visions, End Times, Great American Eclipse, Nibiru / Planet X, Pre Tribulation Rapture, Rapture, Signs in the Sun Moon and Stars, Tribulation
Just a video and article of interest…I saw this video of this kid back in 2017….I have reasons for believing him but, I’ll just leave it at that…I think (I don’t know for sure and we can’t unless/until it happens) he saw what will...
Mar 18, 2021 | But That's Just Me, End Times, Fig Tree Parable, Jesus, Pre Tribulation Rapture, Rapture, Salvation, Tribulation
The thing about warnings are that over the years they have been taking off for a bit and then die down and people carry on and forget (except the watchmen unless they take a short rest). But, while some carry on and forget there are those who get the alert and turn to...
Feb 2, 2021 | "Conspiracy", But That's Just Me, End Times, Fallen Angel, Fringe, God and Angels, New Age, NWO, One World Religion, The Occult
This is purely speculating on my part. Most of those who have dug into the occult influence in the entertainment field know that those who are initiated into the secret cabals put out works that have both an exoteric (what they want the surface cover story to tell)...
Dec 9, 2020 | Antichrist, But That's Just Me, CERN, End Times, End Times Spiritualism/Religion, Fallen Angel, False Prophet, Giants, God and Angels, New Age, One World Religion, Pre Tribulation Rapture, UFOlogy
UPDATED POINT OF INTEREST: So I used a Macbeth quote by Shakespeare for my “alien” disclosure blog post I did today on December 8th about delusion and DNA changing the fallen angels are always involved in and I just saw that the 2nd person in history to...
Dec 7, 2020 | But That's Just Me, End Times, Pre Tribulation Rapture, Rapture, Revelation 12 Sign, Signs in the Sun Moon and Stars
Most excellent video!!! Please take the 40 mins to watch and then please visit the Unsealed site for the article that contains this video because they provide back up links and other information. RELEVANT LINKS: Look up! December 21rst – 25th...
Dec 1, 2020 | But That's Just Me, End Times, Feast days, Fig Tree Parable, Passover, Pentecost, Pre Tribulation Rapture, Rapture, Revelation 12 Sign, Signs in the Sun Moon and Stars, Tabernacles
Hebrews 10:35-39 Therefore do not throw away your confidence, which has a great reward. For you have need of endurance, so that when you have done the will of God you may receive what is promised. For, “Yet a little while, and the coming one will come and will not...
Jul 22, 2020 | But That's Just Me, Dreams / Visions, End Times, God and Angels, Nibiru / Planet X, Rapture, Revelation 12 Sign, Signs in the Sun Moon and Stars
I feel I need to share this in light of all the information about a possible Nibiru / Planet X approach and the havoc the debris field COULD cause. I have been sitting on this because it could cause fear and I didn’t want to stress anyone out any further after...
Jul 11, 2020 | But That's Just Me, Dreams / Visions, End Times, Pre Tribulation Rapture, Rapture, Salvation
Acts 2:16-18 But this is what was uttered through the prophet Joel: “‘And in the last days it shall be, God declares, that I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh, and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men...
Jun 30, 2020 | Antichrist, Blood Moons, But That's Just Me, End Times, False Prophet, Feast days, Great American Eclipse, NWO, Pre Tribulation Rapture, Prophecy, Rapture, Revelation 12 Sign, Signs in the Sun Moon and Stars
Timelines to consider!! This video was excellent. He covers most of all the things we have been looking into. He is clear that these are just observations and, from what we can see, the time is upon us and it looks to be NOW! I usually tell people that I think things...
Mar 18, 2020 | Antichrist, But That's Just Me, End Times, End Times Spiritualism/Religion, False Prophet, Noahide Laws, NWO, One World Religion, Pre Tribulation Rapture, Prophecy, Rapture, Signs in the Sun Moon and Stars, The Rona
Wow, what a 2020 this whole world has had so far! This blog post is merely going to be a loooooong and I mean loooooong mash up of events that have been going on now and that have been discussed in the last few weeks. It is a conglomeration of all things I would have...
Mar 1, 2020 | But That's Just Me, End Times, Signs in the Sun Moon and Stars
Soon……War is coming between Jesus and his enemies…..This Earth is heading into the Tribulation….Accept Jesus TODAY so you will not be appointed to the wrath that is to fall on his enemies! News link in reference to this post …...
Jan 21, 2020 | But That's Just Me, End Times, Signs in the Sun Moon and Stars
*** UPDATE ADDED BELOW RELEVANT LINKS ON 2/16/20 *** So many events are going on the start of 2020. I’ll post some relevant news links below. Recently we have Kushner heading to Israel before their next elections to bring Trump’s “Deal of The...