Pray For Paris But, Pray For Us All

*** UPDATED *** What a horrible way to end the day yesterday on 11/13/15…Friday the 13th! So many lives lost in an evil evil way! Things are changing in our world and they will continue to become darker and darker as the enemy works to bring the New World Order...

CERN Update via Anthony Patch on Kev Baker Show

***UPDATE 11-16-15..SCROLL BELOW..IT’S UNDER THE BONUS VIDEO AT THE BOTTOM*** Below is a post by Kev Baker from The Kev Baker Show about CERN. On a side note, I always think about The Economist Magazine cover for 2015 where it shows Alice at the bottom looking...

Canaries In The Coal Mine

I’m posting two great updates to listen to by John Haller…The first one is “Canaries in the Coal Mine” and the other is “Chessboard”….Two very timely updates that will help you discern the times we are living in now. I’m...

“They Live”! Piped The Piper.

If you were a kid or teenager in the 80’s you most probably know who Rowdy Roddy Piper is. If you are a truther, Christian or other wise, you most probably know who he is because of the cult classic film “They Live” from 1988. Sadly, he passed away...

Who’s Down With TPP? Yeah, Not Me

  But while we were distracted by devised and designed race wars to continue to divide and conquer the united (PS: Besides the Confederate flag, In the future The United States Flag will be next and most likely replaced with a Global flag but, I digress):  ...
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