This is for those who are still refusing to accept Jesus as your savior right now.

This is for those who are still refusing to accept Jesus as your savior right now. Those who are refusing to allow him to bless you, not only for your eternal life but, also in your day to day life on this Earth. This is for those who are still refusing to take him at...


** See interesting news update added 3/1/22 added right below ** This video below by Todd Adkins needs to be watched! You have GOT to hear it! I was introduced to David Lowe’s books by my friend Andria and then by Todd himself during a few conversations with...

2023 END-TIMES PROPHECY (70th Week of Daniel Revealed)…Pluto and More…

I am sharing some intriguing videos below. C.J. Lovik has a new one out and I share a couple of dream ones as well. I have to ask, if the Tribulation does begin one of these coming years in the fall, then how much closer is the rapture??? I’d say pretty darn...

World War 3 On The Horizon. Bombs Fall Down We Go Up?

People should be paying close attention to this news about Russia, China, and Iran and praying. Most especially thinking about your salvation in Jesus. This is fast looking like WW3 is closer to beginning as well as the battles it will lead into that are prophesied in...

2022: The Year in Review

  Here we go into 2022. I’m still hopeful for the rapture any day now and especially up until May/June of 2022 (prayerfully sooner) per Fig Tree Generation. KEEP WATCH!!! 2022 is also the Chinese New Year of the Tiger which makes me think of the I, Pet Goat...

Time of Jacob’s (Israel’s) Trouble and Figs Start to Ripen After The Rapture

They have it (the land) and now the time of Jacob’s (Israel’s) Trouble or The Tribulation is approaching. This is the time that God will be dealing with Israel to bring them back to him and for them to finally recognize that JESUS is THE messiah that they...

Will It Be This Year? Who Knows? But, It Is SOON!

*** UPDATED ADDED 9/25/19 SCROLL TO BOTTOM *** Let me start off by saying, it is so difficult to have the discussion and get the truth out about the detriment of the Noahide laws with fellow believers. After studying all these things about the laws and Kabbalah it has...
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