The Unseen Realm

Apr 30, 2016 | Bible, God, God and Angels

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Below is a four part seminar on Dr. Michael Heiser‘s book The Unseen Realm (videos put together by Gonz Shimura at Face Like The Sun). It’s an excellent talk on an excellent book. I have read this book and bought some to give away. I think you might find it just as fascinating. Click the links above to find out how you can get the book and or the companion books he has out. Meanwhile, check out the seminar below for just a wee taste of it all and it might dictate if you want to invest or not but, I can tell you it is worth having in your library!


UNSEEN REALM SEMINAR w/ Dr. Michael S. Heiser: Supernatural Worldview of the O.T. Parts 1 through 4:

This lecture was recorded on April 23, 2016, in San Juan Capistrano. Dr. Michael S. Heiser addressed a small group of believers on the topic of his book ‘UNSEEN REALM: Restoring the supernatural worldview of the Bible’.





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