Dec 18, 2024 | Bible, But That's Just Me, Dispensationalism, End Times, Ezekiel 38-39, Great Reset, Israel, Jerusalem, Jesus, NWO, One World Religion, Pre Tribulation Rapture, Prophecy, Rapture, Tribulation
Do You Recognize the Signs of the Times? What We See Now Indicates Jesus is Coming Soon… By: Britt Gillette About two thousand years ago, Jesus rebuked the religious elites of His day. He criticized them for their failure to recognize His Coming. He told them, “You...
May 5, 2024 | Bible, But That's Just Me, God
The Limits of Science and Danger of Scientism The heart of scientism is the conviction that science can explain virtually everything. If there is not a valid scientific explanation for an event or state, then that is not properly an object of our knowledge. In...
Jan 3, 2024 | Antichrist, Bible, But That's Just Me, End Times, Fig Tree Parable, Great Reset, Israel, Jesus, Mark of The Beast, NWO, Pre Tribulation Rapture, Prophecy, Rapture, Salvation, Tribulation
It’s the new year (2024). And, the world continues to be set up for the Antichrist one world Beast government that will rule in the Tribulation. It is actually ready to go now. It really only needs a big major chaotic event to get it going. Still, I pray that...
Sep 27, 2023 | AC-Chain, Antichrist, Bible, Block Chain, But That's Just Me, Cryptocurrency, End Times, Mark of The Beast, NWO, One World Religion, Pre Tribulation Rapture, Prophecy, Rapture, Salvation, Tribulation
Just a short post to say, if you haven’t seen this video yet then, please watch it! And remember, TODAY is the BEST day for your salvation!! You are fast running out of tomorrows to receive Jesus’ FREE gift of salvation before the Tribulation begins!!! Tom...
Apr 1, 2022 | Bible, Block Chain, But That's Just Me, End Times, Ezekiel 38-39, Fig Tree Parable, Israel, Mark of The Beast, NWO, Pre Tribulation Rapture, Rapture, Tribulation
*** UPDATE ADDED 4/27/22…SCROLL DOWN *** I’d say pretty darn close now!! And to add to what you are about to read below, the powers that be have been meeting and talking of the merging religions, we have Isaiah 17, Ezekiel 38-39 and WW3 on the horizon, and...
Jan 4, 2022 | Bible, But That's Just Me, Dispensationalism, End Times, Fig Tree Parable, God, Israel, Jerusalem, Jesus, Pre Tribulation Rapture, Prophecy, Rapture, Salvation, Shemittah
Some much needed encouragement. The 8 minute video I am sharing below will lift you up on our watch. Also, Lyn Melvin put out an excellent blog post that will encourage you as well and one reason why I chose the image above for this post. Here is Lyn’s...
Jul 13, 2021 | Bible, But That's Just Me, Fallen Angel, Giants, God, God and Angels, Jesus, Mark of The Beast, Prophecy
This was an excellent article. I include the link for parts 1-5 and 7 at the bottom…Enjoy the study…. Who are the “Sons of God” in Genesis Chapter 6? Part 6: The Fallen Angels Agenda Against Jesus Christ By Steve Schmutzer (A Bible study written 7/16/18)...
Dec 13, 2019 | Bible, But That's Just Me, Dispensationalism, End Times, God, Must Read, Pre Tribulation Rapture
On my blog I have shared various channels and people that you can glean good and valid information from while watching and studying the end times. However, because of a recent video that I watched on one of the sites I thought that I should clarify my stance on...
Apr 30, 2019 | Antichrist, Bible, But That's Just Me, End Times, End Times Spiritualism/Religion, False Prophet, Noahide Laws
This is not what you may be thinking it is when reading the titles of the blog posts Douglas Woodward made or the interviews or his book title: Rebooting the Bible. In fact, his findings actually strengthen our faith in Jesus and God as well as prove God’s...
Oct 10, 2018 | Bible, But That's Just Me, God
Yes, the creator’s name speaks. Even before Jesus was born into this world to be our sacrificial lamb he was hinted to in the very name. Behold, nail, behold, hand. Jesus was crucified so that we could be saved from the enemy’s deception. Please...
Mar 6, 2018 | Bible, But That's Just Me, God, Jesus, Must Read, Salvation
This is an excellent video that John Ankerberg had shared at his facebook site and one that I think is well worth the time to watch and consider! In this classic broadcast of the John Ankerberg Show, Dr. John Ankerberg presents the historical proof for the divinity of...
Nov 14, 2017 | Bible, But That's Just Me, God, Jesus
Here are a couple of sites I wanted to share with you so that you can enjoy them or share them as well. One is The Bible in music and video form and the other is a white board drawing in video form. They are both great ways to get into the Bible each day and offer...
Aug 9, 2017 | Bible, But That's Just Me, Israel, Jesus
This is just too good not to reblog…Click on the image below to read all about these awesome recent discoveries at Unsealed!! Make sure to click on each of their highlighted links to read further and, while you are there, make sure to check out the other cool...
Apr 16, 2017 | Bible, God, Jesus
STILL The Greatest Story Ever Told by Jack Kinsella Omega Letter Good Friday is the day Christians commemorate the single most horrific event in human history — the day that mankind turned on and murdered his Creator. But that murderous event was NOT the event...
Feb 8, 2017 | Bible, Jesus, Rapture
The controversy over the Rapture of the Church has reached a fever pitch. Pre-trib, pre-wrath, post-trib—what camp are you in? Critics call it “Christian escapism,” while others believe the Church will endure the wrath of God and be forced to die for their...