Still The Greatest Story Ever Told

STILL The Greatest Story Ever Told by Jack Kinsella Omega Letter Good Friday is the day Christians commemorate the single most horrific event in human history — the day that mankind turned on and murdered his Creator. But that murderous event was NOT the event...

The Unseen Realm

Below is a four part seminar on Dr. Michael Heiser’s book The Unseen Realm (videos put together by Gonz Shimura at Face Like The Sun). It’s an excellent talk on an excellent book. I have read this book and bought some to give away. I think you might find...

And Therefore, GOD…

So, if particles are comprised of strings that vibrate (String theory) and vibration is the cause of sound…And God said… Genesis 1:3 ~ And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. And / or: If we only exist because of observation (digital...
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