Feb 14, 2018 | But That's Just Me, End Times, Ezekiel 38-39, Isaiah 17, Israel
I’ll just say this for the intro of this posting: If you have not accepted Jesus’ free offer of salvation already…Please don’t put it off any longer… 2 Corinthians 6:2 ~ For he says, “In a favorable time I listened to you, and in a day of...
Feb 8, 2018 | But That's Just Me, End Times, Ezekiel 38-39, Isaiah 17, Israel, Jerusalem, Jubilee, Signs in the Sun Moon and Stars
If you haven’t already, please take the time to watch and discern the videos below. I believe that light is being shined into the darkness and the things of the enemy are steadily being revealed before the judgement falls so that more people can repent and be...
Dec 13, 2017 | Antichrist, But That's Just Me, End Times, Ezekiel 38-39, False Prophet, God, Isaiah 17, Israel, Jerusalem, Jesus, Prophecy, Psalm 83
“We must encourage other countries to recognize the Palestinian state on the basis of its 1967 borders with East Jerusalem as its capital,” he noted. __ ” The burden of the word of the Lord for Israel, saith the Lord, which stretcheth forth the...
Dec 4, 2017 | But That's Just Me, End Times, Ezekiel 38-39, Israel, Jerusalem, Prophecy
*** UPDATED DEC. 5TH *** Not only is the Gog Magog battle of Ezekiel 38-39 heating up we also have the prophetic End Times Jerusalem issues popping up again. Remember my Trump And A Flying Fig Newton post? Trump is supposed to be making big news in the coming week or...
Nov 25, 2017 | But That's Just Me, End Times, Ezekiel 38-39, Israel, Prophecy, Salvation
In the last week and a half or so some major puzzle pieces to the end of days battle of Ezekiel 38-39 have fallen into place. Huge news actually. Please see below for further details. Time continues to grow short before the Tribulation begins and the Rapture. It gets...
Oct 5, 2017 | But That's Just Me, End Times, Israel, Rapture, Revelation 12 Sign, Signs in the Sun Moon and Stars, Tabernacles
Zephaniah 2:1-3 1 Gather yourselves together, yes, gather together, O undesirable nation, 2 Before the decree is issued, Or the day passes like chaff, Before the Lord’s fierce anger comes upon you, Before the day of the Lord’s anger comes upon you! 3 Seek the Lord,...
Aug 10, 2017 | Blood Moons, But That's Just Me, Feast days, Israel, Rapture, Signs in the Sun Moon and Stars
Jewish tradition points to the name of the month as symbolically appropriate — the letters of Elul form an acronym for the words in the verse Ani le‑dodi ve‑dodi li–“I am my beloved’s and my beloved is mine” (Song of Songs 6:3). Believing that the “beloved” refers to...
Aug 9, 2017 | Bible, But That's Just Me, Israel, Jesus
This is just too good not to reblog…Click on the image below to read all about these awesome recent discoveries at Unsealed!! Make sure to click on each of their highlighted links to read further and, while you are there, make sure to check out the other cool...
Jul 31, 2017 | End Times, Israel, NWO, Prophecy
Leave it to one of my favorites to follow Pete Garcia when I don’t have a new blog write up ready to post just yet. Another home run hit the nail on the head article to read! The Theory of Crisis and Quantum Entanglement by: Pete Garcia According to Revelation...
Jun 23, 2017 | But That's Just Me, Israel, Rapture, Signs in the Sun Moon and Stars
But you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, Though you are little among the thousands of Judah, Yet out of you shall come forth to Me The One to be Ruler in Israel, Whose goings forth are from old, From everlasting. Therefore He shall give them up, Until the time that she who is in...
Jun 5, 2017 | End Times, Israel, Jubilee, Prophecy, Signs in the Sun Moon and Stars
Excellent articles to consider by Daymond Duck below! Last week, my article was titled, “Words That Are Getting My Attention.” This week, I thought that I would write about numbers that are getting my attention. I have never had a desire to study the significance of...
May 15, 2017 | End Times, Ezekiel 38-39, Isaiah 17, Israel, Prophecy, Rapture, Salvation
*** Click on each puzzle piece above to get to the scripture *** We were foretold of current events taking place by Jesus himself as well as God’s inspiration given to each writer via the Bible. All the things going on...
Feb 9, 2017 | End Times, Israel, Psalm 83
Just caught this from Bill Salus’ site, Prophecy Depot. Please take the time to check it out as well as Bill’s site. This below is on the same lines of what I meant in my blog post: Trump And A Flying Fig Newton In part thee of the four part interview...
Jan 31, 2017 | End Times Spiritualism/Religion, Israel
Video above is only 14mins long… “The roots of Replacement Theology and its rotten fruit of Antisemitism date back to Christianity’s infancy. Ironic when the Church formed by Christ were all of Israel . It was founded in Judea and all its...
Jan 18, 2017 | End Times, Israel, Prophecy
Psalm 2:1-6 ~ 1 Why do the nations rage and the peoples plot in vain? 2 The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the Lord and against his Anointed, saying, 3 “Let us burst their bonds apart and cast away their cords from...
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