What will it look like when Jesus comes for us? I’m sharing a few videos below to watch. First, watch Chad’s short video and then right under it watch Tyler’s. Tyler makes the very important point of showing the mistake people are making in assuming that it will be very apocalyptic when the rapture happens. However, it will be business as usual. People will actually be living and going about business in what they are assuming is “back to normal”. The new normal is not actually normal at all but, people are starting to get back into the routine of life telling themselves that it is normal and not even thinking about what could be coming next. In fact, what is coming, the rapture, will be a huge surprise and then the apocalyptic events will occur and more than likely at the same time as the rapture.


Matthew 24:37-39
For as were the days of Noah, so will be the coming of the Son of Man. For as in those days before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day when Noah entered the ark, and they were unaware until the flood came and swept them all away, so will be the coming of the Son of Man.


So, if you lost hope on your watch because it appears to be back to “normal”, then think again. NOW is the very time to be on watch and stay on watch! Let’s begin this blog post…




Second, Normal isn’t coming back… JESUS IS!







The watch is still on for this year. We still have The Fig Tree Generation heading into the possible dreaded overtime as well as the coming 9th of Av after the recent Jonah sign we just had. Don’t give up or give in to the exhaustion of the watch. Remember it is always hardest at the end of the race. If you have been keeping watch on your race then by now it should feel like you need to be dragged over that finish line (ha ha ha). Seriously though! Keep that hope and excitement up and keep running because the finish line is in sight!


TOL QH – TRIBULATION BY FALL 2021?! RAPTURE COMES FIRST! **ADDED 7/13/21** (11mins long)


2 Timothy 4:7-8
I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Henceforth there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, will award to me on that day, and not only to me but also to all who have loved his appearing.


I have said it before and I’ll say it again, I do not think any of us should be dogmatic and absolute about giving a date. However, there is absolutely nothing wrong with speculating on one and watching with excitement as a child would do waiting on their parent to come home or for a holiday. I love it. It keeps me amped up and focused on Jesus and trying to get people saved asap instead of this world and its antics. If I had to pick a group of people to hang around with I’d chose those who are so excited for Jesus to come and to be with the Lord than those who are in love with this world too much to even dare to hope for his appearing.

I know Dr. Barry gets attacked and hated on even by some of his brothers and sisters in Christ but he does not deserve it. Most especially if they never even tried to talk to him one on one before launching the attacks. Even doing it flippantly or in code is not very loving at all. If you don’t like to look for a date in excitement then don’t do it but don’t attack those who do. Maybe you don’t like to lily pad watch as Chooch at TOL calls it but a ton of your siblings do. That said, I loved the new video below by Dr Barry. It’s very encouraging and worth watching! I laughed and teared up a few times. I hope you enjoy it as well. This is a part one and, Lord willing, there may be a part two coming.

RAPTURE, this summer’s Blockbuster, coming to a theater near you! ?





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