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That Still Small Voice
I’m going to be a Grandma! I’ve waited so long for a baby to enter my little family, and my daughter goes into the hospital tonight to be induced. I can barely contain my excitement! I am thanking Jesus for this blessing! As a new life is ready to the family, I watch...
But you are not in darkness, for that day to surprise you like a thief.
Since today's date is 7/26 I thought I'd share these videos below for your encouragement....Strongs Concordance: 726 harpázō – properly, seize by force; snatch up, suddenly and decisively – like someone seizing bounty (spoil, a prize); to take by an open display of...
The Fallen Angels Agenda Against Jesus Christ…”Strong Bulls of Bashan”
This was an excellent article. I include the link for parts 1-5 and 7 at the bottom...Enjoy the study.... Who are the “Sons of God” in Genesis Chapter 6? Part 6: The Fallen Angels Agenda Against Jesus Christ By Steve Schmutzer (A Bible study written 7/16/18) Two...
Normal isn’t coming back… JESUS IS!
What will it look like when Jesus comes for us? I'm sharing a few videos below to watch. First, watch Chad's short video and then right under it watch Tyler's. Tyler makes the very important point of showing the mistake people are making in assuming that it will be...
MIND BLOWN!!! The uncanny connection of Apostle Paul and Rabbi Akiva, and man’s strange fire.
Wow indeed. Please take the 30mins to watch this video. Very telling. I'd like to add that God is talking to the Jews right now with the current events of the day in and with Israel. So, when the Time of Jacob's Trouble (The Tribulation or the final week per Daniel...
A HOT TOPIC in prophecy circles is whether June 24–25 could mark true Pentecost this year.
TW Tramm can clarify it best. This goes hand in hand with my previous blog post of it being a HIGH watch week. There is absolutely NOTHING wrong with finding a date and watching for it. I agree that it is not good to Be dogmatic about a date but, speculating and...
This Is A High Watch Week!
We may not know for sure the exact day but we will know the time and season for it. We are told that the day will not surprise us if we are watching! This is a high watch week! Starting today on the 20th all the way to the 24th through to the 26th. Do not lose hope on...
‘Oh My God, I’m In A Whale’s Mouth’…Last Days Sign of Jonah???
** UPDATED NEWS LINK AND OMGOSH YOU HAVE TO SEE TODD'S VIDEO I JUST ADDED BELOW ON 6/15/21 ** When you get a possible sign of Jonah in these last days you just gotta make a blog about it. Listen to his interview at the news link and most especially in the videos...
My brother in Christ John Traczyk shared this below on his social media and I thought it was most excellent and that it needed to be shared on my blog as well. I had been thinking of the timing of the events and trying to reconcile them myself when I just so happened...
The Giants Are Coming
*** UPDATED ADDED 6/14/21...PASTOR JD FARAG'S PROPHECY UPDATE COVERS THE GIANTS..SCROLL DOWN *** Yes, this thing ^^^ is coming on the scene and not just one but many. By the end of 3 years they will have several of these dispersed throughout the globe. On the surface...