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The Lord Speaks To Us With His Creation
So this morning right after I got up I opened the front blinds and across the street I saw 10 herons eating and digging around. I stood there and watched them a few minutes before I went about my day. But, as I stood there I asked the Lord: Are you speaking to me...
How It All Ends | You Don’t Know Who You Are
ONLY 10 MINUTES LONG. How It All Ends | You Don't Know Who You Are Click on image below for more
Bye Bye Miss American Pie?
This is purely speculating on my part. Most of those who have dug into the occult influence in the entertainment field know that those who are initiated into the secret cabals put out works that have both an exoteric (what they want the surface cover story to tell)...
One World Antichrist Beast System Rising Quickly
Here is just a short blog post today with extra information on the fast rising Beast System that the Lord forewarned us about in his word via the Bible. He has given years and years and years of warnings to this whole Earth so that no one is without excuse if they...
Something Isn’t Right
As many already know, Pastor JD Farag had to start posting his prophecy updates on his website due to his videos being removed. I'm sharing his website and his latest update for those who were have not seen it and for those who may not be aware that he had to start...
Order out of chaos. Christians Will Be To Blame, Just As It Was In Rome. Re:set Is Upon Us…
What has been done is what will be done again. There is nothing new under the sun (Ecclesiastes 1:9)...America is the modern day Rome in what I see could be the coming scenario...They will blame the Christians for it falling. They will blame the Christians for any war...
Will The Next One Will Be The Mark Of The Beast One?
I was watching Ty Green's latest 2min video about internet outages and Event 201. As I was watching, I noticed the Kabbalah string that one man at Event 201 was wearing around his wrist at the 1:26 mark and, right about the time he says "put the genie back in the...
Recent Soft Disclosure…Strong Delusion…Do Not be Deceived!
UPDATED POINT OF INTEREST: So I used a Macbeth quote by Shakespeare for my "alien" disclosure blog post I did today on December 8th about delusion and DNA changing the fallen angels are always involved in and I just saw that the 2nd person in history to receive the...
Look At What Our “American Heroes” Are About To Do For Us…
UPDATED POINT OF INTEREST: So I used a Macbeth quote by Shakespeare for my "alien" disclosure blog post I did today on Dec. 8th about delusion and DNA changing the fallen angels are always involved in and I just saw that the 2nd person in history to receive the Covid...
The Great Conjunction, Revelation 12:4, and Our Red Sea Moment {Via Unsealed}
Most excellent video!!! Please take the 40 mins to watch and then please visit the Unsealed site for the article that contains this video because they provide back up links and other information. RELEVANT LINKS: Look up! December 21rst – 25th...