But That's Just Me

Thoughts On End Time Bible Prophecy

2025? Guess We Shall Soon Find Out! Keep Watching!

*** UPDATE ADDED 2/16/25 ... SCROLL BELOW TO SEE IT! ***   Some videos of things to consider....It's just thinking out loud and not specific date setting. It is speculative season watching! Remember...   Now concerning the times and the seasons, brothers,...

Might America’s Rise Trigger It’s Demise? Via Tyler at Generation2434

Please watch the video below. All the things I have been thinking about and trying to assemble in my mind how it will all set the wheels in motion.Tyler is making some excellent observations here. Worth the hour! I re-read Revelation 17 & 18 and all the things...

Do You Recognize the Signs of the Times? What We See Now Indicates Jesus is Coming Soon…

Do You Recognize the Signs of the Times? What We See Now Indicates Jesus is Coming Soon… By: Britt Gillette About two thousand years ago, Jesus rebuked the religious elites of His day. He criticized them for their failure to recognize His Coming. He told them, “You...


Often times things will hit the main stream for a specific reason that the Lord would have people to see and think deeply about. I do believe this story of 7 year old Micah is one of those. I hesitated to share it because I am so tired of God being blamed for every...

New Wine With Jesus {High watch time this year for New Wine is August 7th-19th}

*** UPDATE ADDED 7/30/24..NEW VIDEO BELOW *** WELL worth the 2 hours. If you can't listen to the whole thing then break it up over a couple of days but it IS worth  your time. LOOK UP! Jesus is coming for his bride SOON!   New Wine With Jesus {High watch time...

Iriosal's Thoughts

Iriosal is a co-blogger and fellow watcher.

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