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“I Don’t Know When The Raptures Gonna Be…But It Sure Looks Like It’s Gotta Be Soon!”
Scanning the internet in the last few days after the vision of the 8yr old Swedish boy made me think that I better put another blog post up. Too many people are putting all their hopes into a vision that may or may not come to fruition. I for one have some questions...
Just Some Things While Waiting Patiently For The Lord
Just a few links to share that I'm sure some of you have seen already but, those who haven't, please check them out and those who have I think it's worth the re-visit. I haven't felt led to post anything as of late because I just feel I have shared all I can and I...
If Jesus Wasn’t God Then He Deserved An Oscar
This is an excellent video that John Ankerberg had shared at his facebook site and one that I think is well worth the time to watch and consider! In this classic broadcast of the John Ankerberg Show, Dr. John Ankerberg presents the historical proof for the divinity of...
The Rapture Of The Church
The day will come when the voice of the Church will be missing on earth....Will your name be on the list of those who will be taken before judgment falls? For this we declare to you by a word from the Lord, that we who are alive, who are left until the coming...
2017 Judgement Against Rebellion
Here is a really super cool four part video teaching by Pastor Sandy Armstrong. It's his latest. Please listen to all or at the least parts 2-4 to hear some good stuff for consideration as we watch this spring. We have been on watch for the last several years...
The Big Picture Finally In Full Focus! All Pieces/Signs Connect To Reveal God’s Story And Timing…AMAZING!!
Darren Jack has updated his video work by combining his early videos and adding new information. It is a two hour video. Yes, it is long and it does require full attention but so worth it. I took my time and paused it in some places. You can slow it down if you like...
Prepare For The Spring Wedding?
Two things for the day....The newest from Pastor Sandy Armstrong and an old blog post I had done...I think they go hand in hand. We are still in the season. The signs we have been seeing have been screaming to us to WAKE UP be on watch and STAY on watch. Don't...
2018…The Beginning Of The End Might Just Look Like This…
I'll just say this for the intro of this posting: If you have not accepted Jesus' free offer of salvation already...Please don't put it off any longer... 2 Corinthians 6:2 ~ For he says, “In a favorable time I listened to you, and in a day of salvation I have helped...
Some Important Videos I Watched Recently & You Might Want to Watch Too
If you haven't already, please take the time to watch and discern the videos below. I believe that light is being shined into the darkness and the things of the enemy are steadily being revealed before the judgement falls so that more people can repent and be saved...
Aliens, The Paranormal, Fallen Angels And Demons; Some Things You Should Know
We visited this subject quite a few times on my blog but here are some recent shows I have listened to and I thought should be shared. We are so close to the Lord's return and deception is at an uptick. Delusions are sweeping across the world and people are more and...