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The New Wine Pentecost…A MUST Watch!!
If you haven't seen this one already then this is a must watch video! It is so very encouraging and has a ton of cool nuggets all the way to the end! Also, take a look at the relevant links to add on to it. Be on watch and stay on watch going forward! Soon and VERY...
Wretched Watchmen
Fellow watchmen and women, this is a SUPER short post so that I can share another watchman.This is another great channel to sub to for keeping up with these last days events! If you don't have time for long videos he offers key clips you can watch and they are...
Two Short Videos
Just sharing two short videos with valuable information in them and so that you can have a few more links to save if you have not already done so or did not know of them. Please watch and also make sure to book mark the links so that you can keep up with these...
The Return of the gods! Part 1: Who is Tammuz? This ancient mystery will blow your mind!
At first I was thinking oh I know about this but I'll listen as a refresher since I bought the book. Then, Todd took it to the next level in his studies about it all! Well worth the time if you dig into these matters. Notice this is a Part 1 so be on the look...
Watching for the Rapture
This was an excellent discussion. Please don't be discouraged. I don't agree with every single little thing in this but it is still a very sound discussion. It IS SOON!! I'm in the same thinking with Pete Garcia about Pentecost time and Tish B' Av but there is also...
Sharing This
This brother in Christ is worth subscribing to. He shares news stories to help keep up with the times we are in and bonus studies he has done in the word as well. Best thing about it is that they are never too long. Each video is from 2-5 mins long so it is easy to...
The Oracle in the Ocean?!? Hole in the ocean that may lead to MEGAquake has a weirdly prophetic name
I'm still out here and still watching. Most especially during these Spring/Summer months. I still feel as if there is nothing more that can be shared other than the basics that I have on this blog. I have links to people you can keep up with as well. There is just so...
Now Approaching The: No One Can Buy Or Sell Unless He Has The Mark Of The Beast.
The links below speak for themselves. There is a global currency coming in the Tribulation that will require a mark. All markets will need to comply. More stage setting. It may take another year or so or not. Maybe it happens this year? We can't know the exact timing...
What you need to know about Agenda 2030 and the Fourth Industrial Revolution
Per End times Bible prophecy, there will be a one world government, one world money system and a one world religious system. The Antichrist and the FALSE religious prophet will head these things. What we are seeing is the puzzle pieces of this Beast system being put...
Tell The World Jesus is Coming Back!
If the thought and warnings of Jesus coming back again disturbs you or makes you upset then a heart check may be in order. Fearful of the unknown and a bit of anxiety about it is understandable but, God has prepared for those of us who love him, things we can not even...