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Beware Of The Noahide Laws
Ok...This is a difficult one for me and I have had some gut wrenching days looking into this and learning more and more disturbing things of it each day that I do. The deception of the Noahide Laws. I have no words. I decided to just present the information for...
The Fig Tree Fell…What Does That Mean For America And Israel?
My friend Marty B. shared this story yesterday and his summation of what he saw in the symbolism or sign of it: After more than 140 years, a massive fig tree gracing the plaza where Los Angeles was founded collapses THIS is a HUGE End Times SIGN!! On March 2,...
Passover / Purim High Watch Time
The watching community are focusing on a high watch time for this month of March on the 20th through the 22nd. I'm actually tacking on until April after the Israeli elections and the set time that they have to reveal the Trump / Kushner "Deal of The Century"...
AGE OF DECEIT 3: Remnants in the Cyber_Hive Earth…
Gonz Shimura from Face Like The Sun has finished and released his third part of his series Age Of Deceit. This is another must see!! He has some very interesting thoughts to take into consideration. He released this for free just as he did the others. When...
Israel’s Final Feast @ 70 – The Passover Rapture?
Super cool video just put out by Paul at Revelationchapter12dotCOM! Worth the time and consideration. Time is SHORT. If you are thinking life as we know it is going to just keep marching on as any other day you are deceived and being deceived. We are in the end...
Trump’s Peace Plan
Below I'm sharing a couple of great videos by Andy Woods on his thoughts about the Trump peace plan. He stands exactly where I do on the matter. The videos are a few months old but are still extremely relevant. Please, take the time to listen. The second video...
Astute Bible Believers Will See Something More Than Just A Blood Moon
Well, as most of us already know there is another blood moon upon us. This time it is the Super Wolf Blood Moon. This is yet another sign post of where we are on God's timeline and what is coming soon. Please enjoy this wonderfully written article from T.W. Tramm...
Wake Up. The Time Is Here. It Is Now.
The stage is set. It is all ready. The system for the one world religion, the government and the leader to rule them all. Don't fall for anything man can do for you on this Earth. Don't worship a human being. Jesus is the ONLY answer and the ONLY king that will bring...
2019 Rapture?
Matthew 26:40-41 And he (Jesus) came to the disciples and found them sleeping. And he said to Peter, “So, could you not watch with me one hour? Watch and pray that you may not enter into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.” And so...
Home For The Holidays? Very Compelling!!
And the angel said to me, “Write this: Blessed are those who are invited to the marriage supper of the Lamb.” And he said to me, “These are the true words of God.” ~ Revelation 19:9 Here is an extremely compelling video done by Paul Dawson at...