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Quantum Computing and The Mandela Effect
Let's start this post out by saying this is only something to be aware of. I believe there is solid merit to this but, whether there is or not, deception is part of the last days and this certainly falls into that category. It does whether you think it is happening or...
The Distress of Nations, with Perplexity
Have I said how much I LOVE this guy's take on things? Another Pete Garcia HOME-RUN! Pete says and writes what I think and it makes my laziness of writing about it so much easier when all I have to do is re-blog his take on these end times! LoL! Please remember to...
Evil Never Sleeps; It Is Restless Until It Fulfills It’s Goals
Do not forget that it is not mere humans we are battling. We may face humans in the battle but the true forces behind the evil is not flesh and blood. Don't forget but remember: Ephesians 6:11-13 ~ Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against...
CERN UNLEASHED! Gotthard Tunnel Ritual Reveals The PORTAL To The Underworld
So this happened...And yes, this is ritual NOT art... This snip from The Vigilant Citizen's article below says sums it up: "What does this have to do with the building of a tunnel? Mass media, in its vein attempts at explaining this ceremony, state that there are...
Only The Names Change
The facts and goals remain the same...Only the names change...Replace Paris with Orlando and the rest is the same and it will be the next time as well...Pray for us all and turn to Jesus now before time runs out for you. They keep marching forward with their plans to...
The Pope, Islam, Secret Societies and The Antichrist- Chris Pinto & Sheila Zilinsky
Stepping out from my break to post this timely interview by Sheila Zilinsky of Chris Pinto. It is a timely MUST hear interview. It's only 51mins long but jammed packed with background information. The only thing I would add is that Chris believes the Pope may be the...
Hello all! I know I have not been making posts lately as I have been taking a bit of a break. I am still watching events though because even so, things are still happening behind the scenes and out in the open almost daily now! However, you can rest assured that if...
The Hour Is Late
Prophecy unfolding!! Prepare your hearts!! ***Viewer discretion advised.*** The beginning of this video is showing effects of the drug Flakka but, if you look into this further you know that mind altering drugs are a gateway to demonic possession and the people...
Signs Of The End
Could not have put this together better myself....Home run Pete, as I like to call him, hits it home again!! Enjoy! Signs of the End: 5 of 5 The Second Coming By: Pete Garcia The final event in which Gods interjects directly into the affairs of fallen man, is what we...
The Unseen Realm
Below is a four part seminar on Dr. Michael Heiser's book The Unseen Realm (videos put together by Gonz Shimura at Face Like The Sun). It's an excellent talk on an excellent book. I have read this book and bought some to give away. I think you might find it just as...