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Pentecost in July?? Reason to continue the watch from June until July now!
I know most people know the phrase "Marcia, Marcia, Marcia" well, I'm starting this post off with "Calendars, Calendars, Calendars!". I am the first to tell you that all the calendar issues just throw me through a loop! It gets so confusing and since I have a math...
Encouragement…Don’t give up on June!
A wee bit of an update done on 6/28/22 to add a link to the Planet Parade that mentions July 4th line up in 2020 and hit to a July watch as well!! June still has promise for the rapture. That said, if June does pass, we know that it is definitely soon!! I, for one,...
Yes, Yes, and then also Yes Again! I totally agree with him in this.
I realize I have not posted in awhile. I have taken a much needed break. However, I am not sure how much more I could say or post about. The one world global beast system government prophesied about is being set in motion as i type this, the one world religion is in...
It’s baaaaack….Scientists prepare CERN collider restart in hunt for “dark matter”
Super short post to update those who may not be aware that CERN is about to crank up again. The timing of this is so interesting as we know the rapture is so close and perhaps this year even. We shall see. I want to share my search link of all my CERN blog posts for...
Rapture 2022?: The Rapture of the Church on the Feast of Harvest, Pentecost
Super HIGH watch this spring and summer!! I know that many are looking for a Passover time rapture and if it occurs this Passover than FANTASTIC!!! I will be super happy for it to be sooner rather than later if the Lord wills that. There are solid arguments for...
“We will become gods” ~ Yuval Noah Harari … “You will not surely die. For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God” ~ Satan (Gen.3:4-5)
Yuval Noah Harari, lead advisor to Klaus Schwab....Strongly deceived and carries the spirit of ANTI-Christ around with him. Lover of self and thinking that he can alter God's creation of mankind by merging humans with AI to make God's image bearers "better". Anyone...
This Blog Has Been Sharing About The NWO Since 2015. It is No Longer Being Hid!
*** UPDATE ADDED 4/27/22...SCROLL DOWN *** I'd say pretty darn close now!! And to add to what you are about to read below, the powers that be have been meeting and talking of the merging religions, we have Isaiah 17, Ezekiel 38-39 and WW3 on the horizon, and they are...
This is for those who are still refusing to accept Jesus as your savior right now.
This is for those who are still refusing to accept Jesus as your savior right now. Those who are refusing to allow him to bless you, not only for your eternal life but, also in your day to day life on this Earth. This is for those who are still refusing to take him at...
Russia, Rosh, Gog and Ahhhh I’m soooo confused!
*** UPDATE ADDED 3/7/22 *** Ezekiel 38:1-7 The word of the Lord came to me: “Son of man, set your face toward Gog, of the land of Magog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal, and prophesy against him and say, Thus says the Lord God: Behold, I am against you, O Gog,...
** See interesting news update added 3/1/22 added right below ** This video below by Todd Adkins needs to be watched! You have GOT to hear it! I was introduced to David Lowe's books by my friend Andria and then by Todd himself during a few conversations with both of...