Oct 10, 2016 | End Times, End Times Spiritualism/Religion, Fallen Angel, God and Angels
And now we have this….They really are setting up shop before they come on the Earth again…. If you thought having “the harbinger of Baal” in New York City was bad, wait until you hear what they are doing in Rome. A reproduction of a winged...
Aug 2, 2016 | Antichrist, But That's Just Me, CERN, End Times, God and Angels, Rapture, The Occult
Below is the latest interview of Anthony Patch about CERN done on the Kev Baker show (Only 49mins). Also, I have included End Times Matrix News’s latest video on Code 923 as well (Only 28mins). They touch on CERN in it too. THEN……923 again? As...
Jul 15, 2016 | But That's Just Me, End Times, Mandela Effect
Is the Earth Flat? A debate that has resurfaced in a big way in recent years regards whether or not the earth is flat. While proponents of a flat earth come from a variety of religious backgrounds, many have used the Bible in an attempt to defend their...
Jul 11, 2016 | "Conspiracy", End Times, NWO
The 4 part tape series below is well worth the time to listen to if you want to wake up to what is going on. Afterwards, if you have not already, watch the Fuel Project’s “Know Your Enemy” and the light will then switch on. In this taped series keep...
Jul 11, 2016 | "Conspiracy", CERN, End Times, Mandela Effect
Let’s start this post out by saying this is only something to be aware of. I believe there is solid merit to this but, whether there is or not, deception is part of the last days and this certainly falls into that category. It does whether you think it is...
Jul 4, 2016 | End Times, NWO, Prophecy
Have I said how much I LOVE this guy’s take on things? Another Pete Garcia HOME-RUN! Pete says and writes what I think and it makes my laziness of writing about it so much easier when all I have to do is re-blog his take on these end times! LoL! Please remember...
Jun 17, 2016 | CERN, End Times Spiritualism/Religion
So this happened…And yes, this is ritual NOT art… This snip from The Vigilant Citizen’s article below says sums it up: “What does this have to do with the building of a tunnel? Mass media, in its vein attempts at explaining this ceremony, state...
Jun 13, 2016 | Antichrist, End Times, NWO
The facts and goals remain the same…Only the names change…Replace Paris with Orlando and the rest is the same and it will be the next time as well…Pray for us all and turn to Jesus now before time runs out for you. They keep marching forward with...
May 27, 2016 | "Conspiracy", Antichrist, End Times, End Times Spiritualism/Religion, False Prophet, NWO
Stepping out from my break to post this timely interview by Sheila Zilinsky of Chris Pinto. It is a timely MUST hear interview. It’s only 51mins long but jammed packed with background information. The only thing I would add is that Chris believes the Pope may be...
May 10, 2016 | End Times
Prophecy unfolding!! Prepare your hearts!! ***Viewer discretion advised.*** The beginning of this video is showing effects of the drug Flakka but, if you look into this further you know that mind altering drugs are a gateway to demonic possession and the people...
Mar 29, 2016 | Antichrist, CERN, End Times, End Times Spiritualism/Religion, Fallen Angel
** HUGE UPDATE ADDED September 10 Update (scroll to bottom) ** Apparently the Temple of Baal is going to be erected in about 1000 cities around the world (so far). New York’s and London’s will be next month in April. This is so unreal and unbelievable....
Mar 29, 2016 | End Times, Prophecy, Salvation
Revelation 13:16-18 ~ Also it causes all, both small and great, both rich and poor, both free and slave, to be marked on the right hand or the forehead, 17 so that no one can buy or sell unless he has the mark, that is, the name of the beast or the number of its name....
Feb 29, 2016 | CERN, End Times, Fallen Angel
Only time will tell of course but, in my opinion, Anthony Patch makes a strong argument for it. If you have followed him, other posts, interviews and, articles about the subject it appears to be yes. Check out the latest on CERN by Anthony Patch and Kris from End...
Feb 25, 2016 | End Times, Ezekiel 38-39, Isaiah 17, Israel, NWO, Prophecy
Since I am more geared to the supernatural, fallen angel and “sciencey” things of the End Times I am going to post a few writings and posts by others who have a better handle of the things going on in the Middle East and the wars leading up to the...
Jan 31, 2016 | "Conspiracy", End Times, NWO
The great deception and delusion continues to be set up before our very eyes and ears. You can do a search and see this delusion of sounds has been going for a few years now. It’s all part of the ultimate goal of “disclosure” and the full...
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